Berlin 2024 – scientific programme
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This page shows the latest changes compared to the initial published version of the programme. A combined view of all updates ordered by day and time is available, too.
Update 28 as of Friday, March 22, 2024 at 07:15
- BP 34.3 - withdrawn
Update 27 as of Thursday, March 21, 2024 at 18:00
- O 99.1 - added
- O 99.2 - added
- O 99.3 - added
- O 99.4 - added
- O 99.5 - added
Update 26 as of Thursday, March 21, 2024 at 12:30
- DY 47.10 - updated (authors)
- HL 52.4 - withdrawn
- O 107.5 - updated (speaker)
- TT 80.29 - updated (authors and abstract)
- QI 32.3 - withdrawn
- QI 33.9 - time shifted
Update 25 as of Thursday, March 21, 2024 at 07:40
- BP 28.8 - withdrawn
Update 24 as of Thursday, March 21, 2024 at 06:00
- DY 48.2 - withdrawn
Update 23 as of Wednesday, March 20, 2024 at 21:00
- AKBP 17.3 - withdrawn
Update 22 as of Wednesday, March 20, 2024 at 14:30
- TT 49.11 - withdrawn
Update 21 as of Wednesday, March 20, 2024 at 13:30
- BP 22.9 - moved to BP 36.0, was moved from BP 6.1
- BP 36.0 - moved from BP 6.1/BP 22.9
- CPP 42.7 - withdrawn
- O 10.1 - updated (speaker)
- O 92.5 - updated (typo)
- O 95.1 - withdrawn
- TT 86.4 - updated (title and abstract)
- QI 29.6 - withdrawn
Update 20 as of Wednesday, March 20, 2024 at 08:30
- BP 22.9 - withdrawn
Update 19 as of Wednesday, March 20, 2024 at 06:00
- BP 17.7 - withdrawn
- CPP 34.9 - withdrawn
- CPP 41.2 - withdrawn
- SOE 17.1 - withdrawn
- AKBP 8.1 - withdrawn
- AGPhil 8.2 - withdrawn
Update 18 as of Tuesday, March 19, 2024 at 17:00
- BP 27.12 - updated (speaker)
- BP 37.1 - updated (title)
- TT 49.1 - withdrawn
- TT 72.1 - withdrawn
- AKE 3.9 - updated (presenting author)
Update 17 as of Tuesday, March 19, 2024 at 12:00
- DY 33.8 - withdrawn
- DY 59.5 - withdrawn
- MA 22.4 - withdrawn
- TT 47.4 - withdrawn
- MP 8.4 - withdrawn
Update 16 as of Tuesday, March 19, 2024 at 06:00
- BP 37.1 - added (replaces withdrawn talk)
- MM 24.4 - withdrawn
- O 77.3 - updated (title and abstract)
- TT 57.1 - withdrawn
Update 15 as of Monday, March 18, 2024 at 22:40
- BP 14.4 - withdrawn
- HL 40.6 - updated (speaker)
- HL 40.11 - withdrawn
- HL 42.14 - withdrawn
- MA 50.3 - updated (title)
- O 29.13 - withdrawn
- TT 24.14 - withdrawn
- QI 18.39 - withdrawn
Update 14 as of Monday, March 18, 2024 at 16:35
- CPP 15.46 - moved from CPP 28.2
- CPP 28.2 - moved to CPP 15.46
Update 13 as of Monday, March 18, 2024 at 15:20
- BP 37.1 - withdrawn
- DY 43.9 - withdrawn
- DY 50.6 - updated (authors)
- KFM 10.6 - updated (speaker)
- MA 10.3 - withdrawn
- MA 17.9 - moved to TT 66.12
- MA 20.34 - withdrawn
- MM 15.3 - withdrawn
- MM 29.18 - updated (speaker)
- MM 43.8 - withdrawn
- O 40.4 - moved to TT 57.24
- O 45.2 - updated (typo)
- TT 13.12 - withdrawn
- TT 57.24 - moved from O 40.4
- TT 66.12 - moved from MA 17.9
- MP 8.9 - moved from QI 17.2 (replaces withdrawn talk)
- MP 10.5 - updated (authors)
- QI 17.2 - moved to MP 8.9
Update 12 as of Monday, March 18, 2024 at 11:00
- DY 7.3 - withdrawn
- O 111.6 - withdrawn
- TT 10.12 - withdrawn
- TT 50.11 - updated (title)
Update 11 as of Monday, March 18, 2024 at 09:45
- BP 6.1 - moved to BP 22.9
- BP 12.5 - withdrawn
- BP 22.9 - moved from BP 6.1
- MA 22.8 - withdrawn
Update 10 as of Monday, March 18, 2024 at 07:00
- BP 29.7 - updated (order of the authors)
- HL 22.1 - moved to HL 33.4
- HL 33.4 - moved from HL 22.1 (replaces withdrawn talk)
Update 9 as of Sunday, March 17, 2024 at 21:00
- BP 24.5 - withdrawn
- BP 29.3 - withdrawn
- CPP 9.6 - moved to CPP 34.11
- CPP 34.11 - moved from CPP 9.6 (replaces withdrawn talk)
- HL 40.6 - revived
- MA 12.9 - withdrawn
- MM 12.4 - withdrawn
- O 16.9 - withdrawn
- O 31.12 - withdrawn
- O 39.11 - withdrawn
- TT 24.6 - updated (speaker)
- MP 2.6 - withdrawn
Update 8 as of Sunday, March 17, 2024 at 07:45
- CPP 14.3 - withdrawn
- DS 18.1 - updated (authors)
- DY 56.2 - moved to DY 40.14
- DY 56.3 - moved (close gap)
- DY 56.4 - moved (close gap)
- HL 46.6 - updated (authors)
- MA 10.5 - withdrawn
- MA 15.5 - updated (acknowledgement)
- MA 46.45 - withdrawn
- MM 15.4 - withdrawn
- O 16.2 - updated (speaker)
- QI 27.1 - withdrawn
- AGI 4.2 - withdrawn
Update 7 as of Saturday, March 16, 2024 at 08:00
- DY 5.5 - moved to SOE 17.6/DY 28.6
- DY 23.12 - withdrawn
- MA 29.11 - withdrawn
- MM 43.6 - updated (authors)
- O 87.4 - updated (typo)
- SOE 17.6 - moved from DY 5.5 (replaces withdrawn contribution)
- TT 18.55 - updated (authors)
- TT 18.64 - revived and updated (presenting author)
- TT 36.8 - updated (speaker)
- MP 7.14 - withdrawn
Update 6 as of Friday, March 15, 2024 at 15:00
- HL 19.4 - withdrawn
- HL 40.6 - withdrawn
- HL 45.10 - moved from QI 5.10
- MA 10.11 - moved to TT 13.13
- MA 52.8 - withdrawn
- O 5.4 - withdrawn
- O 9.3 - withdrawn
- O 111.7 - withdrawn
- TT 5.11 - withdrawn
- TT 13.13 - moved from MA 10.11
- TT 47.7 - updated (speaker)
- TT 47.8 - updated (speaker)
- QI 5.10 - moved to HL 45.10/QI 25.10
- AKBP 4.4 - withdrawn
- AKBP 4.6 - updated (title and abstract)
Update 5 as of Friday, March 15, 2024 at 06:00
- DY 23.12 - updated (abstract)
Update 4 as of Thursday, March 14, 2024 at 19:00
- BP 10.5 - withdrawn
- CPP 16.2 - moved from O 60.3 (replaces withdrawn talk)
- DY 17.2 - withdrawn
- DY 31.3 - withdrawn
- DY 34.15 - withdrawn
- DY 35.12 - withdrawn
- DY 43.6 - updated (speaker)
- HL 14.25 - withdrawn
- MA 7.4 - updated (speaker)
- MA 30.9 - updated (speaker)
- MA 46.71 - withdrawn
- MM 20.8 - moved to MM 45.2
- MM 45.2 - moved from MM 20.8 (replaces withdrawn contribution)
- O 4.1 - updated (speaker)
- O 5.5 - withdrawn
- O 13.5 - updated (speaker)
- O 44.2 - moved from MP 7.6 (replaces withdrawn talk)
- O 60.3 - moved to CPP 16.2
- TT 6.6 - withdrawn
- TT 69.13 - updated (title and abstract)
- MP 7.6 - moved to O 44.2
- MP 8.7 - updated (title and abstract)
- AKBP 12.6 - moved to AKBP 17.5
- AKBP 17.5 - moved from AKBP 12.6
Update 3 as of Wednesday, March 13, 2024 at 18:30
- SYQC 1.2 - updated (authors and speaker)
- SYSA 1.3 - updated (title, authors, and abstract)
- BP 10.3 - withdrawn
- BP 18.12 - withdrawn
- BP 27.1 - withdrawn
- BP 35.8 - updated (speaker)
- CPP 8.2 - updated (title and abstract)
- CPP 31.4 - withdrawn
- CPP 41.3 - withdrawn
- DY 34.14 - withdrawn
- HL 13.11 - withdrawn
- HL 18.8 - moved (exchanged with HL 18.9)
- HL 18.9 - moved (exchanged with HL 18.8)
- HL 33.4 - withdrawn
- KFM 9.21 - withdrawn
- MA 45.2 - withdrawn
- MA 46.82 - withdrawn
- MA 51.12 - withdrawn
- MM 6.5 - updated (authors and speaker)
- MM 11.7 - withdrawn
- MM 45.2 - withdrawn
- MM 54.1 - moved to QI 11.9
- O 10.4 - withdrawn
- O 17.5 - withdrawn
- O 39.6 - withdrawn
- O 44.3 - withdrawn
- O 70.10 - updated (authors)
- SOE 17.13 - withdrawn
- TT 3.12 - withdrawn
- TT 19.6 - withdrawn
- TT 75.5 - withdrawn
- TT 80.1 - withdrawn
- TT 87.7 - withdrawn
- MP 2.5 - withdrawn
- MP 2.7 - updated (Authors)
- MP 4.1 - updated (title and abstract)
- MP 5.5 - moved from MP 13.4 and updated (english)
- MP 12.1 - updated (speaker)
- MP 13.4 - moved to MP 5.5 and updated (english)
- QI 11.9 - moved to MA 54.1
- QI 12.3 - withdrawn
- QI 12.19 - moved to QI 33.6
- QI 33.6 - moved from QI 12.19 (original contribution moved to DY 3.11)
- AKBP 12.12 - withdrawn
Update 2 as of Friday, March 8, 2024 at 21:30
- KFM 2: High-resolution Lithography and 3D Patterning - room change
- KFM 6: Instrumentation and Methods for Micro- and Nanoanalysis - room change
- KFM 8: Microscopy and Tomography with X-ray Photons, Electrons, Ions and Positrons - room change
- KFM 12: Diamond and Related Dielectric Materials II - room change
- KFM 27: Polar oxides: Lithium niobate and lithium tantalate - room change
- BP 21.24 - withdrawn
- CPP 2.11 - withdrawn
- CPP 19.7 - withdrawn
- CPP 21.10 - updated (abstract)
- CPP 21.37 - withdrawn
- DY 47.1 - moved to O 22.7
- DY 60.5 - withdrawn
- HL 13.42 - updated (authors)
- HL 13.57 - withdrawn
- HL 27.6 - updated (authors and speaker)
- HL 30.1 - updated (speaker)
- HL 37.6 - withdrawn
- KFM 8.1 - updated (typo)
- KFM 17.8 - withdrawn
- KFM 24.10 - updated (authors and affiliations)
- MA 11.9 - moved (exchanged with MA 11.10)
- MA 11.10 - moved (exchanged with MA 11.9)
- MA 18.9 - withdrawn
- MA 19.7 - updated (speaker)
- MA 22.3 - updated (speaker)
- MA 23.5 - withdrawn
- MA 25.6 - moved (exchanged with MA 25.7)
- MA 25.7 - moved (exchanged with MA 25.6)
- MA 28.3 - withdrawn
- MA 28.8 - updated (speaker)
- MA 38.3 - withdrawn
- O 22.7 - moved from DY 47.1
- O 25.2 - updated (typo)
- O 44.2 - withdrawn
- O 48.7 - moved to O 22.7 (was moved here in error)
- O 49.3 - updated (typo)
- O 72.8 - updated (title, authors, and abstract)
- SOE 7.6 - withdrawn
- SOE 15.2 - updated (affiliation)
- TT 10.12 - moved from TT 86.3
- TT 18.49 - updated (title)
- TT 18.64 - withdrawn
- TT 51.8 - updated (title, authors, and abstract)
- TT 80.17 - withdrawn
- TT 81.6 - withdrawn
- TT 86.3 - moved from TT 86.14 (original contribution moved to TT 10.12)
- TT 86.14 - moved to TT 86.3
- MP 7.6 - updated (affiliations)
- MP 8.9 - withdrawn
- QI 12.19 - updated (title, authors, and abstract)
Update 1 as of Tuesday, March 5, 2024 at 08:00
- PSV Ia - added
- PSV IVa - added
- AKjDPG 5: Perspektiven der Energieversorgung von Morgen (joint session AIW/AKjDPG) - added
- AKjDPG 6: Einsatz moderner Netz- und Speichertechnologien (joint session AIW/AKjDPG) - added
- BP 3.10 - updated (typo)
- BP 4.5 - withdrawn
- BP 4.7 - withdrawn
- BP 11.10 - withdrawn
- BP 14.19 - withdrawn
- BP 18.10 - withdrawn
- BP 18.11 - withdrawn
- BP 21.5 - withdrawn
- BP 23.7 - withdrawn
- BP 24.9 - moved to BP 29.10
- BP 29.10 - moved from BP 24.9
- BP 32.4 - moved (exchanged with MM 32.5)
- BP 32.5 - moved (exchanged with MM 32.4)
- CPP 7.2 - withdrawn
- CPP 9.2 - withdrawn
- CPP 15.22 - updated (presenting author)
- CPP 16.2 - withdrawn
- CPP 21.13 - updated (abstract)
- CPP 21.23 - moved to DY 34.17
- CPP 21.39 - withdrawn (duplicate of CPP 21.40)
- CPP 28.38 - updated (title and abstract)
- CPP 31.3 - withdrawn
- CPP 34.11 - withdrawn
- CPP 36.7 - updated (abstract)
- CPP 42.2 - withdrawn
- DS 3.3 - updated (authors and speaker)
- DS 5.9 - added
- DS 6.5 - updated (authors)
- DS 6.7 - moved (exchanged with DS 6.8)
- DS 6.8 - moved (exchanged with DS 6.7)
- DS 8.10 - moved from DS 20.16 (replaced duplicate of CPP 9.8)
- DS 20.7 - withdrawn
- DS 20.16 - moved to DS 8.10
- DY 3.11 - moved from QI 33.6
- DY 9.4 - withdrawn
- DY 10.1 - updated (speaker)
- DY 10.6 - withdrawn
- DY 18.3 - withdrawn
- DY 22.2 - withdrawn
- DY 32.30 - moved from MP 7.9 and updated (underbrace)
- DY 33.1 - withdrawn
- DY 33.18 - moved from KFM 9.8
- DY 34.17 - moved from CPP 21.23
- DY 35.22 - withdrawn
- DY 35.23 - moved from QI 33.8
- DY 40.14 - moved from DY 56.2
- DY 47.1 - moved to O 48.7
- DY 47.7 - updated (typo)
- DY 56.2 - moved to DY 40.14
- DY 57.2 - withdrawn
- DY 58.6 - updated (authors and speaker)
- DY 59.12 - updated (speaker)
- HL 1.6 - updated (typo)
- HL 3.9 - moved to HL 48.7
- HL 7.7 - moved from HL 55.11 (original contribution moved to TT 75.11)
- HL 8.11 - updated (title)
- HL 9.6 - withdrawn
- HL 12.1 - updated (typo)
- HL 13.41 - updated (authors)
- HL 16.1 - withdrawn
- HL 17.5 - withdrawn
- HL 22.2 - withdrawn
- HL 22.7 - withdrawn
- HL 22.11 - withdrawn
- HL 22.15 - withdrawn
- HL 22.17 - updated (authors and affiliations)
- HL 26.2 - updated (affiliations)
- HL 36.29 - updated (presenting author)
- HL 36.48 - withdrawn (duplicate of HL 36.49)
- HL 42.6 - updated (speaker)
- HL 44.10 - updated (authors)
- HL 48.7 - moved from HL 3.9
- HL 49.2 - updated (typo)
- HL 51.4 - updated (title, authors, and abstract)
- HL 55.3 - withdrawn (duplicate of HL 55.4)
- HL 55.7 - withdrawn (duplicate of HL 55.8)
- HL 55.11 - moved to HL 7.7
- HL 56.7 - moved from MA 36.4
- KFM 9.1 - updated (speaker)
- KFM 9.8 - moved to DY 33.18
- KFM 9.26 - moved to KFM 16.7
- KFM 16.7 - moved from KFM 9.26
- KFM 23.3 - updated (authors)
- KFM 23.4 - withdrawn
- KFM 27.1 - withdrawn
- KFM 28.7 - withdrawn
- KFM 32.3 - withdrawn
- MA 2.8 - moved to MA 17.13
- MA 5.7 - withdrawn
- MA 17.7 - withdrawn
- MA 17.13 - moved from MA 2.8
- MA 20.27 - withdrawn
- MA 27.8 - withdrawn (duplicate of MA 27.6)
- MA 36.4 - moved to HL 56.7
- MA 46.14 - withdrawn
- MA 47.26 - withdrawn
- MA 47.28 - withdrawn
- MA 50.5 - withdrawn
- MA 53.5 - withdrawn
- MM 6.2 - withdrawn
- MM 6.5 - updated (authors and speaker)
- MM 10.6 - moved (exchanged with MM 10.6)
- MM 13.1 - updated (affiliations)
- MM 17.1 - updated (authors and affiliations)
- MM 22.2 - updated (title)
- MM 25.2 - withdrawn
- MM 26.1 - moved (exchanged with MM 26.1)
- MM 26.2 - withdrawn
- MM 29.24 - updated (authors)
- MM 29.25 - updated (typo)
- MM 32.1 - updated (speaker)
- MM 42.4 - withdrawn
- MM 42.6 - withdrawn
- MM 42.7 - withdrawn
- MM 43.8 - updated (authors and affiliations)
- MM 52.3 - moved (exchanged with MM 52.4)
- MM 52.4 - moved (exchanged with MM 52.3)
- MM 53.4 - updated (speaker)
- MM 60.3 - updated (authors)
- MM 61.3 - updated (speaker)
- MM 64.1 - moved (rotation, was MM 64.5)
- MM 64.2 - moved (rotation, was MM 64.1)
- MM 64.3 - moved (rotation, was MM 64.2)
- MM 64.4 - moved (rotation, was MM 64.3)
- MM 64.5 - moved (rotation, was MM 64.4)
- O 6.7 - withdrawn
- O 8.10 - withdrawn
- O 10.3 - moved to O 34.6
- O 11.8 - withdrawn
- O 17.8 - withdrawn
- O 31.4 - withdrawn
- O 32.9 - updated (title)
- O 34.6 - moved from O 10.3
- O 36.26 - added
- O 37.12 - moved to O 67.11
- O 44.9 - withdrawn
- O 45.7 - updated (authors and speaker)
- O 46.2 - updated (speaker)
- O 48.7 - moved from DY 47.1
- O 49.3 - updated (typo)
- O 67.9 - updated (title, authors, and abstract)
- O 67.11 - moved from O 37.12
- O 68.4 - withdrawn
- O 72.14 - moved from O 106.2
- O 81.5 - withdrawn (duplicate of O 33.3)
- O 83.1 - updated (authors and speaker)
- O 85.7 - withdrawn
- O 87.6 - moved from O 103.7 (replaces withdrawn talk)
- O 91.3 - updated (speaker and typo)
- O 92.3 - withdrawn
- O 93.10 - updated (title)
- O 103.7 - moved to O 87.6
- O 103.8 - updated (speaker)
- O 106.2 - moved to O 72.14
- O 107.2 - withdrawn
- SOE 2.8 - updated (speaker)
- SOE 4.4 - withdrawn
- SOE 12.4 - withdrawn
- SOE 17.6 - withdrawn
- TT 14.3 - withdrawn (duplicate of O 93.4)
- TT 27.1 - updated (authors)
- TT 36.2 - withdrawn
- TT 49.5 - moved (exchanged with TT 49.6)
- TT 49.6 - moved (exchanged with TT 49.5)
- TT 50.10 - withdrawn
- TT 50.11 - updated (authors and abstract)
- TT 51.9 - moved from MP 1.6
- TT 58.8 - moved from TT 80.37
- TT 62.6 - withdrawn
- TT 67.12 - updated (typo)
- TT 68.1 - moved (rotation, was TT 68.5)
- TT 68.2 - moved (rotation, was TT 68.1)
- TT 68.3 - moved (rotation, was TT 68.2)
- TT 68.4 - moved (rotation, was TT 68.3)
- TT 68.5 - moved (rotation, was TT 68.4)
- TT 75.11 - moved from HL 7.7
- TT 80.37 - moved to TT 58.8
- TT 80.47 - withdrawn
- MP 1.6 - moved to TT 51.8
- MP 2.7 - moved from MP 7.13
- MP 2.8 - moved from QI 1.12
- MP 7.6 - updated (title, authors, and abstract)
- MP 7.9 - moved to DY 32.30
- MP 7.13 - moved to MP 2.7
- QI 1.5 - withdrawn
- QI 1.6 - updated (affiliations)
- QI 1.12 - moved to MP 2.8
- QI 2.5 - withdrawn
- QI 3.7 - withdrawn
- QI 7.7 - withdrawn
- QI 8.6 - withdrawn
- QI 12.4 - withdrawn
- QI 12.24 - moved from QI 18.30
- QI 16.11 - updated (speaker)
- QI 18.26 - withdrawn
- QI 18.30 - moved to QI 12.24
- QI 22.9 - updated (typo)
- QI 22.13 - withdrawn
- QI 29.5 - withdrawn
- QI 32.6 - updated (speaker)
- QI 33.6 - moved to DY 3.10
- QI 33.8 - moved to DY 35.23
- ST 9.2 - withdrawn
- AKBP 2.2 - moved (exchanged with AKBP 9.6)
- AKBP 6.2 - moved and updated (rotation, was AKBP 6.3, speaker change)
- AKBP 6.3 - moved (rotation, was AKBP 6.4)
- AKBP 6.4 - moved (rotation, was AKBP 6.5)
- AKBP 6.5 - moved (rotation, was AKBP 6.6)
- AKBP 6.6 - moved (rotation, was AKBP 6.7)
- AKBP 6.7 - moved (rotation, was AKBP 6.8)
- AKBP 6.8 - moved (rotation, was AKBP 6.2)
- AKBP 9.6 - moved (exchanged with AKBP 2.2)
- AKBP 12.17 - moved from AKBP 17.2
- AKBP 17.2 - moved to AKBP 12.17
- AKE 1.3 - updated (speaker)
- AKE 2.6 - withdrawn (duplicate of KFM 24.10)
- AIW 2.4 - updated (abstract)
- AGA 2.2 - updated (authors)
- AGPhil 6.2 - withdrawn