Freiburg 2024 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
A 10: Interaction with Strong or Short Laser Pulses I (joint session A/MO)
Dienstag, 12. März 2024, 11:00–13:00, HS 1010
11:00 |
A 10.1 |
Strong-field coherent control in the extreme ultraviolet domain — •F. Richter, U. Saalmann, M. Wollenhaupt, E. Allaria, C. Callegari, M. Danailov, L. Gianessi, M. Zangrando, and L. Bruder
11:30 |
A 10.2 |
Intra-cavity photoelectron tomography and pulsed standing waves at 100 MHz repetition rate — •Jan-Hendrik Oelmann, Tobias Heldt, Lennart Guth, Nick Lackmann, Lukas Matt, Thomas Pfeifer, and José R. Crespo López-Urrutia
11:45 |
A 10.3 |
Reconstruction of Three Dimensional Molecular Density from XFEL Scattering Images using Machine Learning — •Siddhartha Poddar, Ulf Saalmann, and Jan Michael Rost
12:00 |
A 10.4 |
Retrieval of the time-dependent bond length in a molecule from photoelectron momentum distributions using deep learning — •Nikolay Shvetsov-Shilovskiy and Manfred Lein
12:15 |
A 10.5 |
Shaped free electron vortices — •Darius Köhnke, Tim Bayer, and Matthias Wollenhaupt
12:30 |
A 10.6 |
Coherent control of 6Li multiphoton ionization by a bichromatic laser field — •Silva Mezinska, Klaus Bartschat, Thomas Pfeifer, and Alexander Dorn
12:45 |
A 10.7 |
Nonspreading relativistic electron wavepacket in a strong laser field — •Andre G. Campos, Karen Z. Hatsagortsyan, and Christoph H. Keitel