Freiburg 2024 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
A 16: Poster II
Dienstag, 12. März 2024, 17:00–19:00, Tent B
17:00 |
A 16.1 |
Orientation dependent ionization yield of molecules — •Paul Winter and Manfred Lein
17:00 |
A 16.2 |
In-trap laser-ablation ion-source for precision magnetic moment measurements — •Ute Beutel, Stefan Dickopf, Annabelle Kaiser, Ankush Kaushik, Marius Müller, Stefan Ulmer, Andreas Mooser, and Klaus Blaum
17:00 |
A 16.3 |
Towards large-area 256-pixel MMC arrays for high resolution X-ray spectroscopy — •A. Abeln, S. Allgeier, D. Hengstler, D. Kreuzberger, D. Mazibrada, L. Münch, A. Orlow, A. Reifenberger, A. Stoll, A. Fleischmann, L. Gastaldo, and C. Enss
17:00 |
A 16.4 |
Production of C4+ in an EBIS for collinear laser spectroscopy — •Emily Burbach, Phillip Imgram, Kristian König, Bernhard Maaß, Patrick Müller, and Wilfried Nörtershäuser
17:00 |
A 16.5 |
Further commissioning and upgrades of the ARTEMIS experiment at HITRAP for high-precision g-factor measurements with highly charged ions — •Bianca Reich, Arya Krishnan, Johannes Krempel-Hesse, K Kanika, Jeffrey Klimes, Kwaish Anjum, Patrick Baus, Gerhard Birkl, Manuel Vogel, and Wolfgang Quint
17:00 |
A 16.6 |
An upgraded XUV and soft X-ray split-and-delay unit for FLASH1 — •Matthias Dreimann, Michael Wöstmann, and Helmut Zacharias