Freiburg 2024 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
A 22: Highly Charged Ions and their Applications I
Mittwoch, 13. März 2024, 14:30–16:30, HS 1098
14:30 |
A 22.1 |
Quantum-logic based search techniques for highly forbidden transitions in highly charged ions — •Shuying Chen, Lukas J. Spieß, Alexander Wilzewski, Malte Wehrheim, Kai Dietze, Ivan Vybornyi, Klemens Hammerer, José R. Crespo López-Urrutia, and Piet O. Schmidt
14:45 |
A 22.2 |
Towards optical spectroscopy of highly charged californium ions in preparation for a Cf15+/17+ ion clock — •Lakshmi Priya Kozhiparambil Sajith, Nils Holger Rehbehn, Michael Karl Rosner, Kostas Georgiou, Leo Prokhorov, Aaron Smith, Luis Hellmich, Ullrich Schwanke, Giovanni Barontini, José Ramon Crespo López-Urrutia, and Steven Worm
15:00 |
A 22.3 |
Resistive cooling of ions’ center-of-momentum energy in a Penning trap on milli-second time scales — •Markus Kiffer, Stefan Ringleb, Manuel Vogel, and Thomas Stöhlker
15:15 |
A 22.4 |
Laser spectroscopy of hydrogen-like 208Bi82+ — •Rodolfo Sánchez for the LIBELLE collaboration
15:30 |
A 22.5 |
S-EBIT II, first commissioning results — •Tino Morgenroth, Sonja Bernitt, Rex Simon, Sergiy Trotsenko, Reinhold Schuch, and Thomas Stöhlker
15:45 |
A 22.6 |
Precision spectroscopy of highly charged ions in the ARTEMIS Penning trap for electron g-factor measurements at HITRAP — •Arya Krishnan, Bianca Reich, Johannes Krempel-Hesse, Kanika Kanika, Jeffrey W. Klimes, Khwaish K. Anjum, Patrick Baus, Gerhard Birkl, Manuel Vogel, and Wolfgang Quint
16:00 |
A 22.7 |
Analyzing heavy elemental polyatomic molecular ions for tests of fundamental physics — •Carsten Zülch, Konstantin Gaul, Steffen M. Giesen, and Robert Berger
16:15 |
A 22.8 |
Cooling of heavy highly charged ions: The HITRAP-Penning Trap — •Dimitrios Zisis for the Hitrap collaboration