17:00 |
A 25.1 |
Analysing Single Particle Trajectories Of Ultracold Atoms With Artificial Intelligence — •Marco Mohler, Silvia Hiebel, Dennis Wagner, Sabrina Burgardt, Julian Feß, Marius Kloft und Artur Widera
17:00 |
A 25.2 |
High Fidelity transport of trapped-ion qubits in a multilayer array — •Deviprasath Palani, Florian Hasse, Apurba Das, Leon Goepfert, Ole Pikkemaat, Ulrich Warring, and Tobias Schaetz
17:00 |
A 25.3 |
Construction of a versatile platform for Rydberg atom experiments — •Aaron Thielmann, Mirza Akbar Ali, Sven Schmidt, Suthep Pomjaksilp, Thomas Niederprüm, and Herwig Ott
17:00 |
A 25.4 |
Ultracold LiCr Feshbach dimers: prospects for doubly-polar ground-state molecules — •Maximilian Schemmer, Stefano Finelli, Alessio Ciamei, Beatrice Restivo, Antonio Cosco, Andreas Trenkwalder, and Matteo Zaccanti
17:00 |
A 25.5 |
Optical tweezer for immersion of single Cs impurities in an ultracold Rb bath — •Levi Geier, Sabrina Burgardt, Silvia Hiebel, Julian Feß, and Artur Widera
17:00 |
A 25.6 |
Collisional energy effects on atom-ion Feshbach resonances — •Joachim Siemund, Fabian Thielemann, Daniel Hönig, Wei Wu, Krzysztof Jachymski, Thomas Walker, and Tobias Schätz
17:00 |
A 25.7 |
Theoretical study of radio-frequency induced Floquet-Feshbach resonances in ultracold Lithium-6 gases — •Alexander Guthmann, Felix Lang, and Artur Widera
17:00 |
A 25.8 |
Topological pumping of vortices through Bloch-like oscillations of a magnetic soliton — Franco Rabec, Guillaume Chauveau, •Guillaume Brochier, Sylvain Nascimbene, Jean Dalibard, and Jérôme Beugnon
17:00 |
A 25.9 |
Hundreds of atoms in an array of optical tweezers in a cryostat — Etienne Bloch, Gert-Jan Both, Lilian Bourachot, •Davide Dreon, Thierry Lahaye, Desiree Lim, Gregoire Pichard, and Julien Vaneecloo
17:00 |
A 25.10 |
Quantum-gas microscopy of the Bose-Hubbard model with 84Sr — Sandra Buob, Jonatan Höschele, Vasiliy Makhalov, •Antonio Rubio-Abadal, and Leticia Tarruell
17:00 |
A 25.11 |
Characterisation of Drifts and Non-Linearity of Data Acquisition Electronics for Metallic Magnetic Calorimeter Detectors — •Daniel A. Müller, Philip Pfäfflein, Marc O. Herdrich, Christoph Hahn, Felix M. Kröger, Bastian Löher, Günter Weber, and Thomas Stöhlker
17:00 |
A 25.12 |
Polarization Phenomena of Compton Scattering in the Hard X-Ray Regime Revealed by Compton Polarimetry — •Tobias Over, Alexandre Gumberidze, Marc O. Herdrich, Thomas Krings, Wilko Middents, Philip Pfäfflein, Uwe Spillmann, Günter Weber, and Thomas Stöhlker
17:00 |
A 25.13 |
Wigner vs. Smith: Time delays in anisotropic potentials — •Ulf Saalmann and Jan M Rost
17:00 |
A 25.14 |
The attoclock and its interpretation, real-valued tunneling time and superluminal tunneling — •Ossama Kullie
17:00 |
A 25.15 |
A Coincidence Unit for Ultracold Quantum Gases combining Electron Velocity-Map-Imaging and Ion-Microscopy — •Lasse Paulsen, Jette Heyer, Julian Fiedler, Mario Grossmann, Klaus Sengstock, Markus Drescher, Juliette Simonet, and Philipp Wessels-Staarmann
17:00 |
A 25.16 |
Probing Axions and Axion Like Particles through Cosmic Axion Spin Precession Experiment- High-field — •Malavika Unni for the CASPEr collaboration
17:00 |
A 25.17 |
The contribution has been withdrawn (duplicate of A 25.18).
17:00 |
A 25.18 |
Automated loading of Highly Charged Ions in a Paul Trap — •Lukas Fabian Storz, Vera M. Schäfer, Elwin A. Dijck, Stepan Kokh, José R. Crespo López-Urrutia, and Thomas Pfeifer
17:00 |
A 25.19 |
Catalyzation of supersolidity in binary dipolar condensates — •Daniel Scheiermann, Luis Ardila, Thomas Bland, Russell Bisset, and Luis Santos
17:00 |
A 25.20 |
A cavity-microscope for micrometer-scale control of atom-photon interactions — •Ekaterina Fedotova, Francesca Orsi, Rohit Bhatt, Jonas Faltinath, Gaia Bolognini, Nick Sauerwein, and Jean-Philippe Brantut
17:00 |
A 25.21 |
Towards measurements of axionic Dark Matter with the CASPEr-gradient low-field experiment — •Julian Walter and Yuzhe Zhang for the CASPEr collaboration
17:00 |
A 25.22 |
Probing resonant absorption in helium using intense XUV FEL pulses — •Arikta Saha, Alexander Magunia, Harijyoti Mandal, Muwaffaq Ali Mourtada, Carlo Kleine, Yu He, Marc Rebholz, Gergana D. Borisova, Hannes Lindenblatt, Florian Trost, Robert Moshammer, Stefan Düesterer, Tino Lang, Ulrike Fruehling, Christina Papadopoulou, Christina Böemer, Dietrich Krebs, Skirmantas Alisaukas, Christoph Heyl, Ingmar Hartl, Steffen Palutke, Markus Braune, Elisa Appi, Doriana Vinci, Milutin Kovacev, Philip Mosel, Peer Biesterfeld, Christian Ott, and Thomas Pfeifer
17:00 |
A 25.23 |
Nuclear photoabsorption in 229Th using twisted light — •Tobias Kirschbaum and Adriana Pálffy
17:00 |
A 25.24 |
Two-colour cooling for 40K-87Rb quantum gas mixtures — •Yann Hendrick Kiefer, Max Hachmann, and Andreas Hemmerich
17:00 |
A 25.25 |
Cost Effective Modernization of the Aging Computerized Control System of the Buffergas-Cell Setup for Studies of the 229mTh Isomer — •Georg Holthoff, Daniel Moritz, Lilli Löbell, and Peter G. Thirolf
17:00 |
A 25.26 |
Refinement of an analytical method for radioisotope detection based on cavity ring-down laser spectroscopy — •Erik Thiel, Naoki Matsumoto, Momo Mukai, Keisuke Saito, Yuta Suzuki, Hideki Tomita, Kota Tsuge, and Klaus Wendt
17:00 |
A 25.27 |
Trapping Ion Coulomb Crystals in an Optical Lattice — •Daniel Hoenig, Fabian Thielemann, Wei Wu, Thomas Walker, Leon Karpa, Amir Mohammadi, and Tobias Schaetz
17:00 |
A 25.28 |
Enhancing spectroscopic resolution for coherent control of photoionization with a novel XUV photon spectrometer — •Harijyoti Mandal, Muwaffaq Ali Mourtada, Alexander Magunia, Weiyu Zhang, Yu He, Hannes Lindenblatt, Florian Trost, Lina Hedewig, Cristian Medina, Arikta Saha, Marc Rebholz, Ulrike Frühling, Carlo Kleine, Gergana D. Borisova, Steffen Palutke, Evgeny Schneidmiller, Mikhail Yurkov, Stefan Düsterer, Rolf Treusch, Chris H. Greene, Yimeng Wang, Robert Moshammer, Christian Ott, and Thomas Pfeifer
17:00 |
A 25.29 |
Partial-wave representation of the strong-field approximation: length versus velocity gauge — Fang Liu, •Kefei Zou, and Stephan Fritzsche
17:00 |
A 25.30 |
Active stabilization of a standing wave in a femtosecond enhancement cavity with a cw laser interferometer — •Lukas Matt, Tobias Heldt, Lennart Guth, Jan-Hendrik Oelmann, Thomas Pfeifer, and José R. Crespo López-Urrutia