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A 26.1 |
Experiments on highly charged ions from S-EBIT II — •Rex Simon, Tino Morgenroth, Sonja Bernitt, Sergiy Trotsenko, Reinhold Schuch, and Thomas Stöhlker
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A 26.2 |
Towards a potassium quantum gas miscroscope — •Scott Hubele, Martin Schlederer, Alexandra Mozdzen, Guillaume Salomon, and Henning Moritz
17:00 |
A 26.3 |
Microwave control of Rydberg pair states — •Shuanghong Tang, Fabio Bensch, Philip Osterholz, Lea-Marina Steinert, Arno Trautmann, and Christian Gross
17:00 |
A 26.4 |
The contribution has been withdrawn.
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A 26.5 |
The way towards low-energy, heavy, highly charged ions: the Hitrap deceleration facility — •Nils Stallkamp for the Hitrap collaboration
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A 26.6 |
ORKA - Design of a cavity enhanced optical dipole trap for the preparation of a Rb87 BEC — •Marius Prinz, Jan Eric Stiehler, Marian Woltmann, and Sven Herrmann
17:00 |
A 26.7 |
Data analysis solution for axion dark matter research — •Yuzhe Zhang, Julian Walter, and Declan Smith for the CASPEr collaboration
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A 26.8 |
Rymax one: A neutral atom quantum processor to solve optimization problems — Tobias Ebert, •Jonas Witzenrath, Benjamin Abeln, Silvia Ferrante, Kapil Goswami, Jonas Gutsche, Hendrik Koser, Rick Mukherjee, Jens Nettersheim, Jose Vargas, Niclas Luick, Thomas Niederprüm, Dieter Jaksch, Henning Moritz, Herwig Ott, Peter Schmelcher, Klaus Sengstock, and Artur Widera
17:00 |
A 26.9 |
Towards Spin-Resolved Single Atom Detection in Disordered Many-Body Rydberg Systems — •Valentina Salazar Silva, Eduard Braun, Sebastian Geier, Gerhard Zürn, and Matthias Weidemüller
17:00 |
A 26.10 |
High-performance optical clocks based on 171Yb+ — Martin Steinel, Melina Filzinger, •Saaswath JK, Jian Jiang, Ekkehard Peik, and Nils Huntemann
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A 26.11 |
Quantum Monte Carlo simulations of hardcorde bosons with repulsive dipolar density-density interactions on two-dimensional lattices — •Robin Rüdiger Krill, Jan Alexander Koziol, Calvin Krämer, Anja Langheld, Giovanna Morigi, and Kai Phillip Schmidt
17:00 |
A 26.12 |
Signatures of IR-laser dressing in coherent diffractive imaging — •Tom von Scheven, Björn Kruse, Bjarne Mergl, Christian Peltz, and Thomas Fennel
17:00 |
A 26.13 |
Exploration of Supersolidity in Spin-Orbit Coupled Bose-Einstein Condensates — •Sarah Hirthe, Vasiliy Makhalov, Rémy Vatré, Craig Chisholm, Ramón Ramos, and Leticia Tarruell