Freiburg 2024 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
A 29: Ultra-cold Atoms, Ions and BEC III (joint session A/Q)
Donnerstag, 14. März 2024, 14:30–16:30, HS 1010
14:30 |
A 29.1 |
ATOMIQ: An easy-to-use abstarction layer for ARTIQ — •Suthep Pomjaksilp, Christian Hölzel, Florian Meinert, Herwig Ott, and Thomas Niederprüm
14:45 |
A 29.2 |
Circular Rydberg qubits of alkaline earth atoms in optical tweezers — •Einius Pultinevicius, Christian Hölzl, Aaron Götzelmann, Moritz Wirth, and Florian Meinert
15:00 |
A 29.3 |
Universal Self-Organization Dynamics in a Strongly Interacting Fermi Gas — •Timo Zwettler, Tabea Bühler, Aurélien Fabre, Gaia Bolognini, Victor Helson, Giulia del Pace, and Jean-Philippe Brantut
15:15 |
A 29.4 |
Repulsively-bound pair states in the 1D extended Hubbard model — •Pascal Weckesser, Kritsana Srakaew, David Wei, Daniel Adler, Suchita Agrawal, Immanuel Bloch, and Johannes Zeiher
15:30 |
A 29.5 |
Josephson effect in a double-well potential and its generalization for finite temperatures — •Kateryna Korshynska and Sebastian Ulbricht
15:45 |
A 29.6 |
Investigating interference with phononic bright and dark states in a trapped ion — •Robin Thomm, Harry Parke, Alan C. Santos, André Cidrim, Gerard Higgins, Marion Mallweger, Natalia Kuk, Shalina Salim, Romain Bachelard, Celso J. Villas-Boas, and Markus Hennrich
16:00 |
A 29.7 |
Fermi-liquid-like thermal and spin diffusion between unitary superfluids by dissipation — •Meng-Zi Huang, Philipp Fabritius, Jeffrey Mohan, Mohsen Talebi, Simon Wili, and Tilman Esslinger
16:15 |
A 29.8 |
A Fermionic Quantum Gas Microscope for the Continuum — •Joris Verstraten, Maxime Dixmerias, Kunlun Dai, Shuwei Jin, Bruno Peaudecerf, Tim de Jongh, and Tarik Yefsah