Freiburg 2024 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
A 30: Precision Spectroscopy of Atoms and Ions IV (joint session A/Q)
Donnerstag, 14. März 2024, 14:30–16:15, HS 1098
14:30 |
A 30.1 |
Laser-spectroscopic determination of the nuclear charge radius of 13C — •Patrick Müller, Emily Burbach, Phillip Imgram, Kristian König, Wilfried Nörtershäuser, and Julien Spahn
14:45 |
A 30.2 |
Coherent excitation of a Sub-mHz optical magnetic quadrupole transition — •Valentin Klüsener, Sebstian Pucher, Dimitry Yankelev, Felix Spriestersbach, Jan Trautmann, Immanuel Bloch, and Sebastian Blatt
15:00 |
A 30.3 |
Multi-Cubic-Meter Atom Trapping for Project 8 — •Alec Lindman and Darius Fenner for the Project 8 collaboration
15:15 |
A 30.4 |
Sensitivity of Project 8's wire detector for an atomic tritium beam — •Darius Fenner and Martin Fertl
15:30 |
A 30.5 |
Using Non-linear Dissociation Processes of BeH+ for the Alignment of the Laser Pulse Overlap in XUV Frequency Comb Spectroscopy of He+ — •Florian Egli, Jorge Moreno, Theodor Wolfgang Hänsch, Thomas Udem, and Akira Ozawa
15:45 |
A 30.6 |
An optical clock for robust operation and remote comparisons — •Saaswath JK, Martin Steinel, Melina Filzinger, Jian Jiang, Ekkehard Peik, Nils Huntemann, and the Opticlock consortium
16:00 |
A 30.7 |
Laser spectroscopy of Fermium-255 at the RISIKO mass separator facility — •Matou Stemmler for the Fermium collaboration