Freiburg 2024 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
A 31: Atomic Systems in External Fields II
Donnerstag, 14. März 2024, 14:30–16:30, HS 1015
14:30 |
A 31.1 |
The contribution has been withdrawn.
14:45 |
A 31.2 |
The contribution has been moved to Q 43.5.
15:00 |
A 31.3 |
A Gravitational Analogon of the Metrological Triangle — •Sebastian Ulbricht and Claus Lämmerzahl
15:15 |
A 31.4 |
Resonant photon scattering by highly-charged ions exposed to external fields — •Jan Richter
15:30 |
A 31.5 |
Geometric post-Newtonian description of massive spin-half particles in curved spacetime — •Ashkan Alibabaei, Philip Schwartz, and Domenico Giulini
15:45 |
A 31.6 |
The contribution has been withdrawn.
16:00 |
A 31.7 |
Vortex electron scattering by atomic targets — •Sophia Strnat, Lalita Sharma, and Andrey Surzhykov
16:15 |
A 31.8 |
Compton polarimetry of elastic scattering of highly linearly polarized hard x-rays — •Wilko Middents, Günter Weber, Alexandre Gumberidze, Thomas Krings, Tobias Over, Philip Pfäfflein, Uwe Spillmann, and Thomas Stöhlker