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MO: Fachverband Molekülphysik

MO 27: Ultrafast Dynamics III and High-harmonic Generation (joint session MO/A)

MO 27.1: Talk

Friday, March 15, 2024, 14:30–14:45, HS 3044

Absolute photoemission timing in neon — •Maximilian Forster, Maximilian Pollanka, Christian Schröder, and Reinhard Kienberger — Chair for laser and x-ray physics, E11, Technische Universität München, Germany

We measure the relative photoemission time delay between the Ne2p, Ne2s and the Iodine 4d states in iodomethane utilizing attosecond streaking. This allows us to experimentally determine the absolute time delay of neon 2s and 2p photoelectrons for the first time. The delay of neon, being the first ever evidence of atomic delay, has received repeated attention by both experimental and theoretical investigations due to the large cross section and convenient properties of neon. While helium has been the gold standard for absolute time delay measurements, enabled by remarkable theoretical agreement, due to spectral overlap helium cannot be used to reference neon. Recent developments, namely the availability of different chronoscopes, enable measuring the absolute time delay of neon. We take the path via iodomethane and the I4d core state, which has been timed on an absolute scale, and use it to reference neon. The delay between Ne2s and Ne2p can be extracted simultaneously, allowing for a positive consistency check with previous experiments conducted only with neon. Timing neon on an absolute scale allows an assignment of absolute values to these experiments in retrospect and establishes neon as a chronoscope species.

Keywords: Attosecond streaking; Photoemission time delay; Photoemission chronoscopy

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