17:00 |
MO 7.1 |
In Situ Hyperpolarized Benchtop NMR for Biomolecular Analysis at Natural Isotopic Abundance — •Jingyan Xu, Raphael Kircher, and Danila Barskiy
17:00 |
MO 7.2 |
An experimental setup to study the influence of hydration on small charged molecular systems by rotationally resolved vibrational spectroscopy — •Eric Endres, Christian Sprenger, Franziska Dahlmann, and Roland Wester
17:00 |
MO 7.3 |
Towards photodetachment spectroscopic studies of deprotonated naphthalene. — •Michael Hauck, Sruthi Purushu Melath, Christine Lochmann, Robert Wild, Katrin Erath-Dulitz, and Roland Wester
17:00 |
MO 7.4 |
Combination of action-based interferometric measurements with depletion spectroscopy — •Leonie Werner, Ulrich Bangert, Yilin Li, Arne Morlok, Lukas Bruder, and Frank Stienkemeier
17:00 |
MO 7.5 |
Investigating the Photodissociation Dynamics of CH2Br with VMI — •Lilith Wohlfart, Christian Matthaei, and Ingo Fischer
17:00 |
MO 7.6 |
Photodissociation dynamics of the CHCl2 radical — •Jonas Fackelmayer and Ingo Fischer
17:00 |
MO 7.7 |
Time-resolved photoelectron and photoion spectroscopy of phenanthridine - an experimental and computational study — •Katharina Theil, Jonas Fackelmayer, Lionel Poisson, Lou Barreau, and Ingo Fischer
17:00 |
MO 7.8 |
Ultrafast UV-Vis spectroscopy on a series of novel Fe(III) photosensitizers with linked organic chromophores — •Miguel Andre Argüello Cordero, Lennart Schmitz, Matthias Bauer, and Stefan Lochbrunner
17:00 |
MO 7.9 |
Time-Resolved Spectroscopic Studies on the Net Heterolysis of Homopolar Selenium-Carbon Bonds — •Daniel Jan Grenda, Anna Franziska Tiefel, Carina Allacher, Elias Harrer, Roger Jan Kutta, Julia Rehbein, Alexander Breder, and Patrick Nuernberger
17:00 |
MO 7.10 |
Ultrafast Time-Resolved NIR-Spectroscopy of Metal Complexes — •Nina Brauer, Miguel Andre Argüello Cordero, Samira Dabelstein, Jakob Steube, Lennart Schmitz, Matthias Bauer, and Stefan Lochbrunner
17:00 |
MO 7.11 |
Simplified photoelectron photoion covariance spectrometer for challenging UV pump-probe experiments — •Nicolas Ladda, Fabian Westmeier, Tonio Rosen, Sudheendran Vasudevan, Hangyeol Lee, Simon Ranecky, Sagnik Das, Jayanta Ghosh, Till Stehling, Hendrike Braun, Jochen Mikosch, Thomas Baumert, and Arne Senftleben
17:00 |
MO 7.12 |
Resonant double core hole spectroscopy of ultrafast decay dynamics in Fe complexes — •Julius Schwarz, Matz Nissen, Alberto De Fanis, Aljoscha Rörig, Karolin Baev, Florian Trinter, Tim Laarmann, Nils Huse, Philippe Wernet, Michael Meyer, Thomas Baumann, Simon Dold, Tommaso Mazza, Yevheniy Ovcharenko, Sergey Usenko, Markus Ilchen, Andreas Przystawik, Hampus Wikmark, and Michael Martins
17:00 |
MO 7.13 |
Accurate molecular ab initio calculations in support of photodissociation experiments — •Giorgio Visentin, Bo Ying, Stephan Fritzsche, and Gerhard Paulus
17:00 |
MO 7.14 |
Decoherence in molecular systems with structured spectral densities studied with Gaussian wavepacket propagation — •Sreeja Loho Choudhury, Rainer Hegger, Rocco Martinazzo, and Irene Burghardt
17:00 |
MO 7.15 |
Photoelectron spectroscopy study of anthracene anions in gas phase — •Kevin Schwarz, Aghigh Jalehdoost, and Bernd v. Issendorff
17:00 |
MO 7.16 |
Phase-sensitive detection of photons — Lucas Ludwig, •Sanchayeeta Jana, Simon Durst, and Markus Lippitz
17:00 |
MO 7.17 |
Cogwheel phase cycling in action-based two-dimensional spectroscopy — •Stefan Müller, Ajay Jayachandran, and Tobias Brixner
17:00 |
MO 7.18 |
Cross-peak analysis of multiquantum signals with polarization-controlled higher-order transient absorption spectroscopy — •Katja Mayershofer, Simon Büttner, Julian Lüttig, Peter A. Rose, Jacob J. Krich, and Tobias Brixner