Freiburg 2024 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
MS 3: Accelerator Mass Spectrometry I
Dienstag, 12. März 2024, 11:00–13:00, HS 3042
11:00 |
MS 3.1 |
Recent Developments at CologneAMS — •Dennis Mücher
11:30 |
MS 3.2 |
Preparations for a new 1 MV AMS facility in Dresden — •Johannes Lachner, Toralf Döring, Sebastian Fichter, Georg Rugel, Stephan Winkler, René Ziegenrücker, and Anton Wallner
11:45 |
MS 3.3 |
Upgrade of the silicon nitride absorber for 10Be AMS at VERA — •Carlos Vivo-Vilches, Peter Steier, Martin Martschini, Silke Merchel, and Robin Golser
12:00 |
MS 3.4 |
Ongoing Routine Measurements at DREAMS - Status and Challenges — •Georg Rugel, Toralf Döring, Sebastian Fichter, Dominik Koll, Johannes Lachner, Annabel Rolofs, Konstanze Stübner, Alexander Wieser, Stephan Winkler, Janis Wolf, René Ziegenrücker, Sebastian Zwickel, and Anton Wallner
12:15 |
MS 3.5 |
Current status of ALIS - The new low-energy isobar suppression setup at CologneAMS — •Markus Schiffer, Oscar Marchhart, Elisa Linnartz, Martin Martschini, Gereon Hackenberg, Peter Steier, Melisa Maslo, Timm-Florian Pabst, Erik Strub, Tibor Dunai, Robin Golser, and Dennis Mücher
12:30 |
MS 3.6 |
Sample detection efficiency and detection limits for the determination of actinides at the ETH Zürich MILEA system — •Habacuc Pérez Tribouillier and Marcus Christl
12:45 |
MS 3.7 |
The contribution has been withdrawn.