Freiburg 2024 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
Q 11: Precision Measurements I (joint session Q/A)
Montag, 11. März 2024, 17:00–19:00, HS 1221
17:00 |
Q 11.1 |
Search for variations of fundamental constants with highly charged ion clocks — •Luis Hellmich, Ullrich Schwanke, Steven Worm, and Lakshmi Kozhiparambil Sajith
17:15 |
Q 11.2 |
A strontium optical clock based on Ramsey-Bordé spectroscopy — •Amir Mahdian, Oliver Fartmann, Ingmari C Tietje, Martin Jutisz, Conrad L Zimmermann, Vladimir Schkolnik, Marc Christ, and Markus Krutzik
17:30 |
Q 11.3 |
Electronic Bridge schemes in 229Th doped LiCAF — •Tobias Kirschbaum, Martin Pimon, and Adriana Pálffy
17:45 |
Q 11.4 |
Large ring lasers in geodesy and seismology — •Simon Stellmer, Jannik Zenner, Andreas Brotzer, Jan Kodet, Heiner Igel, and Karl Ulrich Schreiber
18:00 |
Q 11.5 |
Quantum Memory Enhanced Velocimetry — •Yagiz Murat, Arash Ahmadi, Mustafa Gündoğan, and Markus Krtutzik
18:15 |
Q 11.6 |
Suppression of scattered light through tunable coherence in Sagnac-Speed-Meters — •Leonie Eggers, Daniel Voigt, and Oliver Gerberding
18:30 |
Q 11.7 |
Investigating a Tensegrity structure as a possible multi DoF inertial sensor — •Ben Becker, Oliver Gerberding, and Artem Basalaev
18:45 |
Q 11.8 |
Coupled states of cold Yb atoms in a high-finesse cavity — •Saran Shaju, Dmitriy Sholokhov, Simon B Jäger, and Jürgen Eschner