17:00 |
Q 12.1 |
Ensemble based quantum protocol for ultra save quantum money — •Bernd Bauerhenne, Malwin Xibraku, Boris Naydenov, Cyril Popov, Martin Garcia, and Kilian Singer
17:15 |
Q 12.2 |
Robust Preparation of Ensemble-based Quantum Tokens with Trapped Ions — •Manika Bhardwaj, Jan Thieme, Bernd Bauerhenne, Moritz Göb, Bo Deng, and Kilian Singer
17:30 |
Q 12.3 |
The contribution has been withdrawn.
17:45 |
Q 12.4 |
Tailored composite pulses for NV-colour centres towards the realization of ensemble based quantum tokens — •Jan Thieme, Josselin Bernardoff, Ricky-Joe Plate, Bernd Bauerhenne, and Kilian Singer
18:00 |
Q 12.5 |
Nonlinear Quantum Photonics with a Tin-Vacancy Center Coupled to a Diamond Waveguide — Matteo Pasini, Nina Codreanu, •Tim Turan, Adria Riera Moral, Christian F. Primavera, Lorenzo De Santis, Hans K. C. Beukers, Julia M. Brevoord, Christopher Waas, Johannes Borregaard, and Ronald Hanson
18:15 |
Q 12.6 |
Microwave control of the Tin-Vacancy center using magnetic field alignment — •Jeremias Resch, Ioannis Karapatzakis, Marcel Schrodin, Luis Kussi, Philipp Fuchs, Michael Kieschnick, Jan Meijer, Christoph Becher, Wolfgang Wernsdorfer, and David Hunger
18:30 |
Q 12.7 |
Coherent control of the Tin-Vacancy center with superconducting waveguides at mK temperatures — •Ioannis Karapatzakis, Jeremias Resch, Marcel Schrodin, Luis Kussi, Philipp Fuchs, Michael Kieschnick, Jan Meijer, Christoph Becher, David Hunger, and Wolfgang Wernsdorfer
18:45 |
Q 12.8 |
Addressing single nuclear spins at telecommunication wavelength — Alexander Ulanowski, •Adrian Holzäpfel, Olivier Kuijpers, and Andreas Reiserer