Freiburg 2024 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
Q 18: Trapping and Cooling of Atoms (joint session Q/A)
Dienstag, 12. März 2024, 11:00–13:00, HS 1221
11:00 |
Q 18.1 |
Continuous lasing and pinning of the dressed cavity resonance with strongly-coupled 88Sr atoms in a ring cavity — •Vera Schäfer
11:30 |
Q 18.2 |
Using multifrequency light for large cold atom traps — •David Johnson, Ben Hopton, Nathan Cooper, and Lucia Hackermüller
11:45 |
Q 18.3 |
Dipole trapping of mercury — •Sascha Heider, Thorsten Groh, and Simon Stellmer
12:00 |
Q 18.4 |
Towards light scattering experiments in dense dipolar gases — •Ishan Varma, Marvin Proske, Rhutwik Sriranga, and Patrick Windpassinger
12:15 |
Q 18.5 |
Report on the construction of a new Erbium-Lithium machine — •Alexandre De Martino, Florian Kiesel, Kirill Karpov, Jonas Auch, and Christian Groß
12:30 |
Q 18.6 |
ORKA - Towards a cavity enhanced Optical Dipole Trap for evaporative cooling of Rb87 in microgravity — •Jan Eric Stiehler, Marius Prinz, Marian Woltmann, and Sven Herrmann
12:45 |
Q 18.7 |
Confinement Induced Resonances in Spherical Shell Traps — •C. Moritz Carmesin and Maxim A. Efremov