Freiburg 2024 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
Q 2: QED
Montag, 11. März 2024, 11:00–13:00, HS 1015
11:00 |
Q 2.1 |
Quantum optics without quantum paradoxes — •Falk Rühl
11:15 |
Q 2.2 |
Correlations of the Quantum Vacuum in a Nontrivial Analogue Spacetime — •Cristofero Oglialoro, Frieder Lindel, Fabian Spallek, and Stefan Yoshi Buhmann
11:30 |
Q 2.3 |
Quantum radiation in a dielectric with time-dependent dissipation — •Sascha Lang, Stefan Yoshi Buhmann, Ralf Schützhold, and William G. Unruh
11:45 |
Q 2.4 |
Numerical evaluation of Casimir-Lifshitz forces in the time domain — •Carles Martí Farràs, Philip Kristensen, Bettina Beverungen, Francesco Intravaia, and Kurt Busch
12:00 |
Q 2.5 |
Redfield-pseudomodes theory — •Felix Riesterer, Lucas Weitzel Dutra Souto, Andreas Buchleitner, and Dominik Lentrodt
12:15 |
Q 2.6 |
Heat transport using nonreciprocal media — •Nico Strauß, Omar Jesús Franca Santiago, and Stefan Yoshi Buhmann
12:30 |
Q 2.7 |
Quantum free-electron laser: single- and multiphoton transitions — •Peter Kling and Enno Giese
12:45 |
Q 2.8 |
Dicke-like superradiance of distant noninteracting atoms — •Manuel Bojer and Joachim von Zanthier