17:00 |
Q 23.1 |
Continuous entanglement generating superradiant SU(4) laser — Jarrod Reilly, •Gage Harmon, John Wilson, Murray Holland, and Simon Jäger
17:00 |
Q 23.2 |
Speeding Up Squeezing with a Periodically Driven Dicke Model — Jarrod T. Reilly, •Simon B. Jäger, John D. Wilson, John Cooper, Sebastian Eggert, and Murray J. Holland
17:00 |
Q 23.3 |
The contribution has been withdrawn.
17:00 |
Q 23.4 |
The contribution has been withdrawn.
17:00 |
Q 23.5 |
Quantum optics model mapping for thin-film x-ray cavities — •Julien Spitzlay, Hanns Zimmermann, Fabian Richter, and Adriana Pálffy
17:00 |
Q 23.6 |
The contribution has been moved to Q 11.8.
17:00 |
Q 23.7 |
Chiral cavities: an extendible and simple theoretical model — •Carlos Bustamante, Dominik Sidler, Michael Ruggenthaler, and Angel Rubio
17:00 |
Q 23.8 |
Towards deterministic strong coupling between single trapped atoms and a Whispering-Gallery-Mode microresonator — •xinxin hu, luke masters, gabriele maron, arno rauschenbeutel, and juergen volz
17:00 |
Q 23.9 |
Design and realization of a high-finesse optical resonator for cavity-assisted readout of atomic arrays — •Jacopo De Santis, Mehmet Öncu, Balázs Dura-Kovács, Sebastian Ruffert, and Johannes Zeiher
17:00 |
Q 23.10 |
A cavity-integrated microwave antenna for spin manipulation of Nitrogen-Vacancy center in diamond — •Andras Lauko, Kerim Köster, Jeremias Resch, Julia Heupel, Cyril Popov, and David Hunger
17:00 |
Q 23.11 |
Self-consistent Red Shift – an Alternative Feature of Light-matter Coupling? — •Jacob Horak, Dominik Sidler, Michael Ruggenthaler, and Angel Rubio
17:00 |
Q 23.12 |
Spectral properties of a cold-atom laser — Dmitriy Sholokhov, Saran Shaju, •Ke Li, and Jürgen Eschner
17:00 |
Q 23.13 |
A Superradiant Gas of Driven-Dissipative Two-Level Atoms as a Source of Non-Classical Light — •Christopher Mink and Michael Fleischhauer
17:00 |
Q 23.14 |
Optimal control of arbitrary perfectly entangling gates for open quantum systems — •Adrian Köhler and Christiane P. Koch
17:00 |
Q 23.15 |
A graph-based approach to dissipative production of multipartite entangled states in trapped ions — •Antoine Guinchard, Karl Horn, Daniel Reich, and Christiane Koch
17:00 |
Q 23.16 |
Role of dephasing in optimal transport of spin excitations in a two-dimensional, lossy lattice — •Andrei Skalkin, Razmik Unanyan, and Michael Fleischhauer
17:00 |
Q 23.17 |
Fermionic coherent state path integral for ultrashort laser pulses and transformation to a field theory of coset matrices including disorder-noise — •Bernhard Mieck
17:00 |
Q 23.18 |
Selfconsistent diagrammatic transport for light includingtime reversal symmetric entropy production — •Regine Frank and Bart A. van Tiggelen
17:00 |
Q 23.19 |
A vacuum-integrated fiber cavity setup for characterizing Q-optimized polymer-based mechanical resonators — •Florian Giefer, Daniel Stachanow, Lukas Tenbrake, Sebastian Hofferberth, and Hannes Pfeifer
17:00 |
Q 23.20 |
Otto cycles with a quantum rotor as the working medium — •Michael Gaida and Stefan Nimmrichter
17:00 |
Q 23.21 |
Controlled phonon dynamics in optomechanical systems — •Victor Ceban
17:00 |
Q 23.22 |
Enhancing the purity of single photons in parametric down-conversion through simultaneous pump-beam and crystal-domain engineering — •Baghdasar Baghdasaryan, Fabian Steinlechner, and Stephan Fritzsche
17:00 |
Q 23.23 |
Weyl su(3) diamonds are knit and woven — •Carsten Henkel
17:00 |
Q 23.24 |
Direct measurement of pseudothermal light violating Siegert relation — •Xi Jie Yeo, Mingze Qing, Justin Peh, Darren Koh, Jaesuk Hwang, Christian Kurtsiefer, and Peng Kian Tan
17:00 |
Q 23.25 |
Dimensional Reduction in Quantum Optics — •Jannik Ströhle and Richard Lopp
17:00 |
Q 23.26 |
Influence of direct dipole-dipole interaction on the optical response of 2D materials in inhomogeneous infrared cavity fields — •Sofia Ribeiro, Javier Aizpurua, and Ruben Esteban
17:00 |
Q 23.27 |
Wave-particle duality in weighted two-way interferometers: Which-way knowledge increase via delayed observable choice — •Elisabeth Meusert, Marc-Oliver Pleinert, and Joachim von Zanthier
17:00 |
Q 23.28 |
Many-particle coherence and higher-order interference — •Marc-Oliver Pleinert, Eric Lutz, and Joachim von Zanthier
17:00 |
Q 23.29 |
Quantum dynamics of nuclear many-body systems driven by an XFEL — •Miriam Gerharz and Jörg Evers
17:00 |
Q 23.30 |
A Fiber-based Microcavity Platform to Purcell-enhance Diamond Color Centers — •Yanik Herrmann, Julius Fischer, Julia M. Brevoord, Stijn Scheijen, Colin Sauerzapf, Leonardo G. C. Wienhoven, Laurens J. Feije, Matteo Pasini, Martin Eschen, and Ronald Hanson
17:00 |
Q 23.31 |
Recent developments on microfabricated Penning trap electrodes for matter-antimatter comparison tests. — •Nima Hashemi, Julia-Aileen Coenders, Jacob Stupp, Friederike Giebel, Jan Schaper, Juan Manuel Cornejo, Stefan Ulmer, and Christian Ospelkaus
17:00 |
Q 23.32 |
Nonlinear characterization of in-house fabricated thin film lithium niobate waveguides — •Alexej Widajko, Laura Bollmers, Harald Herrmann, Laura Padberg, and Christine Silberhorn
17:00 |
Q 23.33 |
Integrated electro-optic modulators in LiNbO3 as fundamental building blocks for quantum photonic circuits — •Noel Heinen, Michelle Kirsch, Sattibabu Romala, Sebastian Lengeling, Harald Herrmann, Laura Padberg, and Christine Silberhorn
17:00 |
Q 23.34 |
N Scaling of Large-Sample Collective Decay in Inhomogeneous Ensembles — Sergiy Stryzhenko, Alexander Bruns, and •Thorsten Peters
17:00 |
Q 23.35 |
Second-order correlations of scattering electrons — •Florian Fleischmann, Mona Bukenberger, Raul Corrêa, Anton Classen, Simon Mährlein, Marc-Oliver Pleinert, and Joachim von Zanthier
17:00 |
Q 23.36 |
Cryogenic spectroscopy of novel organic molecules doped with Yb3+ for quantum information processing applications — •Robin Wittmann, Jannis Hessenauer, Sören Schlittenhardt, Senthil Kumar Kuppusamy, Mario Ruben, and David Hunger
17:00 |
Q 23.37 |
A nanosecond pulsed light source as pump source for narrowband, decorrelated photon pairs — •Jasmin Sommer, Michelle Kirsch, Kai Hong Luo, Harald Herrmann, and Christine Silberhorn
17:00 |
Q 23.38 |
Quantum pulse gate conversion efficiency — •Dana Echeverría-Oviedo, Hiroko Tomoda, Felix Moor, Michael Stefszky, Benjamin Brecht, and Christine Silberhorn
17:00 |
Q 23.39 |
Hong-Ou-Mandel interference in the spectral domain — •Patrick Folge, Abhinandan Bhattacharjee, Michael Stefszky, Benjamin Brecht, and Christine Silberhorn
17:00 |
Q 23.40 |
Designing a two-output Quantum Pulse Gate — •Theresa Keuter, Patrick Folge, Laura Serino, Benjamin Brecht, and Christine Silberhorn
17:00 |
Q 23.41 |
Fabrication of a surface-electrode ion trap for quantum information processing — •Nora D. Stahr, Jacob Stupp, Eike Iseke, Nila Krishnakumar, Friederike Giebel, Konstantin Thronberens, Chloë Allen-Ede, Amado Bautista-Salvador, and Christian Ospelkaus
17:00 |
Q 23.42 |
Phase transition and higher-order mean-field theory of chiral waveguide QED — •Kasper Jan Kusmierek, Max Schemmer, Sahand Mahmoodian, and Klemens Hammerer
17:00 |
Q 23.43 |
Superradiant bursts of light from cascaded quantum emitters: Theoretical modelling of photon-photon correlations — Constanze Bach, Christian Liedl, Arno Rauschenbeutel, Philipp Schneeweiss, and •Felix Tebbenjohanns
17:00 |
Q 23.44 |
Chromatic suppression of spontaneous emission — •Thomas Lafenthaler, Yannick Weiser, Tommaso Faorlin, Lorenz Panzl, Rainer Blatt, Thomas Monz, and Giovanni Cerchiari
17:00 |
Q 23.45 |
Multi-commodity transport and the role of the dynamical metric — •Joshua Ganz, Giovanna Morigi, and Frederic Folz
17:00 |
Q 23.46 |
Multiwavelength Characterization of Polarization Optics for Broadband Superconducting Detector Calibration — •Isabell Mischke, Timon Schapeler, and Tim Bartley
17:00 |
Q 23.47 |
Light propagation through ensembles of nuclear two-level systems — •Deniz Adigüzel, Miriam Gerharz, and Jörg Evers
17:00 |
Q 23.48 |
Fabrication of Solid Immersion Lenses for the cryogenic Investigation of the NV center — •Judith de Vries, Katharina Senkalla, Stefan Dietel, Michael Olney-Fraser, Lev Kazak, and Fedor Jelezko
17:00 |
Q 23.49 |
Investigations of fluorescence lifetimes, thermal lensing, and laser performance of directly diode pumped cw ruby laser — Carsten Reinhardt and •Sönke Metelmann
17:00 |
Q 23.50 |
Bridging Quantum Optics and Environmental Physics: Insights into Argon Trap Trace Analysis — •Magdalena Winkelvoß and Alexandra Beikert
17:00 |
Q 23.51 |
Generating auto-ponderomotive potentials using flat, chip-based electrodes for shaping electron beams — •Franz Schmidt-Kaler, Michael Seidling, Robert Zimmermann, Nils Bode, Fabian Bammes, Lars Radtke, and Peter Hommelhoff
17:00 |
Q 23.52 |
Characterization of auto-ponderomotive electron guides — •Nils Bode, Franz Schmidt-Kaler, Fabian Bammes, Lars Radtke, Michael Seidling, Robert Zimmermann, and Peter Hommelhoff
17:00 |
Q 23.53 |
High-order harmonic generation in gases with µJ laser pulses — •Matthias Meier, Philip Dienstbier, Yuya Morimoto, Francesco Tani, and Peter Hommelhoff