11:00 |
Q 25.1 |
An ultra stable dc voltage source for ion trap experiments — •Dina-C. Rensink, Peter Micke, Markus Wiesinger, Christian Will, Hüseyin Yildiz, Christian Smorra, Jochen Walz, and Stefan Ulmer
11:15 |
Q 25.2 |
Atomic level search in lawrencium — •Elisabeth Rickert for the Lawrencium collaboration
11:30 |
Q 25.3 |
Nuclear Deformation Effects of Highly Charged Ions — •Zewen Sun, Igor A. Valuev, and Natalia S. Oreshkina
11:45 |
Q 25.4 |
Towards a direct high-precision measurement of the nuclear magnetic moment of3He2+ with 1ppb accuracy. — •Ankush Kaushik, Stefan Dickopf, Marius Müller, Annabelle Kaiser, Ute Beutel, Stefan Ulmer, Andreas Mooser, and Klaus Blaum
12:00 |
Q 25.5 |
Characterization of an XUV Frequency Comb by Spectroscopy of Rydberg States — •Lennart Guth, Jan-Hendrik Oelmann, Tobias Heldt, Nick Lackmann, Janko Nauta, Thomas Pfeifer, and José R. Crespo López-Urrutia
12:15 |
Q 25.6 |
A Cryogenic Paul Trap Experiment for Laser Spectroscopy of the 229mTh Nuclear Clock Isomer — •Kevin Scharl, Georg Holthoff, Mahmood I. Hussain, Markus Wiesinger, Daniel Moritz, Lilli Löbell, Tamila Rozibakieva, Sandro Kraemer, Benedict Seiferle, Shiqian Ding, Florian Zacherl, and Peter G. Thirolf
12:30 |
Q 25.7 |
Tests of QED with hydrogenlike helium and tin ions and high-precision theory of the bound-electron g-factor — •Bastian Sikora, Vladimir A. Yerokhin, Zoltan Harman, and Christoph H. Keitel
12:45 |
Q 25.8 |
Ionization potential evaluation by Rydberg analysis in iron with resonance ionization spectroscopy — •Thorben Niemeyer, Sebastian Berndt, Christoph E. Düllmann, Tom Kieck, Jung-Bog Kim, Nina Kneip, Dominik Studer, and Klaus Wendt