Freiburg 2024 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
Q 31: Quantum Communication IV
Mittwoch, 13. März 2024, 11:00–13:00, HS 3219
11:00 |
Q 31.1 |
Free-Space Quantum Key Distribution at Daylight using the Sodium D2 Line — •Ilija Funk, Yagana Syed, and Ilja Gerhardt
11:15 |
Q 31.2 |
A scalable quantum register for multiplexed atom-photon entanglement — •Lukas Hartung, Matthias Seubert, Stephan Welte, Emanuele Distante, and Gerhard Rempe
11:30 |
Q 31.3 |
The contribution has been withdrawn.
11:45 |
Q 31.4 |
Experimental boosted linear-optical Bell-state measurement — •Nico Hauser, Matthias Bayerbach, Simone D'Aurelio, and Stefanie Barz
12:00 |
Q 31.5 |
Quantum communication protocols over the 14-km Saarbrücken fiber link — •Christian Haen, Stephan Kucera, Elena Arenskötter, Jonas Meiers, Tobias Bauer, and Jürgen Eschner
12:15 |
Q 31.6 |
Towards polarization entanglement distribution in a metropolitan dark-fibre network in Berlin — •William Staunton, Sebastian Brauner, Kai-Hong Luo, Harald Herrmann, and Oliver Benson
12:30 |
Q 31.7 |
Deployment and optimization of high-dimensional QKD on a 1.7 km free-space link — •Karolina Paciorek, Christopher Spiess, Sarika Mishra, and Fabian Steinlechner
12:45 |
Q 31.8 |
A quantum frequency converter for entanglement distribution across a metropolitan network — •Maya Büki, Gianvito Chiarella, Tobias Frank, Pau Farrerra, Emanuele Distante, and Gerhard Rempe