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Q 37.1 |
A cryo-compatible, high-finesse all-fibre microcavity for REI spectroscopy — •Nicholas Jobbitt, Jannis Hessenauer, Evgenij Vasilenko, Vishnu Unni C., Barbora Brachnakova, Senthil Kuppusamy, Mario Ruben, and David Hunger
17:00 |
Q 37.2 |
Spatial Confinement of Atomic Excitation by Composite Pulses in Pr:YSO — •Niels Joseph, Markus Stabel, Nikolay Vitanov, and Thomas Halfmann
17:00 |
Q 37.3 |
Getting topological invariants from snapshots: a protocol for defining and calculating topological invariants of systems with discrete parameter space — •Youjiang Xu and Walter Hofstetter
17:00 |
Q 37.4 |
Dissipative stabilization of molecular rotational states against blackbody radiation and spontaneous decay — •Brandon Furey, Mariano Monsalve, Zhenlin Wu, Stefan Walser, Elyas Mattivi, Rene Nardi, and Philipp Schindler
17:00 |
Q 37.5 |
A versatile algorithm for ion configuration determination in linear ion crystals consisting of mixed atomic and molecular ion species — •Stefan Walser, Brandon Furey, Zhenlin Wu, Rene Nardi, Mariano Isaza Monslave, Elyas Mattivi, and Philipp Schindler
17:00 |
Q 37.6 |
Non-Markovianity of the nonlinear Caldeira-Leggett model — •Moritz F. Richter and Heinz-Peter Breuer
17:00 |
Q 37.7 |
Characterization of squeezing sources using Hong-Ou-Mandel interference measurements — •Florian Lütkewitte, Kai Hong Luo, Michael Stefszky, Benjamin Brecht, and Christine Silberhorn
17:00 |
Q 37.8 |
Energy level renormalization in strongly coupled open quantum systems — •Alessandra Colla, Florian Hasse, Frederike Doerr, Ulrich Warring, Tobias Schaetz, and Heinz-Peter Breuer
17:00 |
Q 37.9 |
Speeding up Quantum Annealing with coupling to meter — •Mykolas Sveistrys, Giovanna Morigi, and Christiane P. Koch
17:00 |
Q 37.10 |
Quantum Feedback Control for Quantum Error Correction on Superconducting Qubits — •Anton Halaski and Christiane P. Koch
17:00 |
Q 37.11 |
Dilute measurement-induced cooling into many-body ground states — •Josias Langbehn, Kyrylo Snizhko, Igor Gornyi, Giovanna Morigi, Yuval Gefen, and Christiane Koch
17:00 |
Q 37.12 |
Suppression of Servo-Phase Noise for High-Fidelity Rydberg Excitations — Philipp Herbig, Ben Michaelis, Nejira Pintul, Tobias Petersen, Jonas Rauchfuß, Oscar Murzewitz, Clara Schellong, Jan Deppe, Till Schacht, Alexander Ilin, •Koen Sponselee, Klaus Sengstock, and Christoph Becker
17:00 |
Q 37.13 |
Analysis of motional heating during ion-transport through RF junctions in a surface-electrode Paul trap — •Phil Nuschke, Florian Ungerechts, Rodrigo Munoz, Janina Bätge, Axel Hoffmann, Teresa Meiners, Brigitte Kaune, and Christian Ospelkaus
17:00 |
Q 37.14 |
Fault-Tolerant One-Bit Addition with the Smallest Interesting Colour Code — •Yang Wang, Selwyn Simsek, and Ben Criger
17:00 |
Q 37.15 |
Microwave near-field and stimulated-Raman quantum control of 9Be+ ions in a cryogenic surface-electrode trap — •Emma Vandrey, Sebastian Halama, and Christian Ospelkaus
17:00 |
Q 37.16 |
Automated modular design of surface electrode Paul traps for quantum computing — •Brigitte Kaune, Janina Bätge, Axel Hoffmann, Rodrigo Munoz, Florian Ungerechts, Teresa Meiners, and Christian Ospelkaus
17:00 |
Q 37.17 |
Realization of elementary operations for continuous-variable quantum computers — •Freyja Ullinger, Rudi Pietsch, Alexander Sauer, and Matthias Zimmermann
17:00 |
Q 37.18 |
The contribution has been withdrawn.
17:00 |
Q 37.19 |
RF junctions for register-based trapped-ion quantum processors — •Florian Ungerechts, Rodrigo Munoz, Janina Bätge, Axel Hoffmann, Teresa Meiners, Brigitte Kaune, and Christian Ospelkaus
17:00 |
Q 37.20 |
Multiplexing of the transport through an X-junction ion trap — •Janina Bätge, Rodrigo Munoz, Florian Ungerechts, Axel Hoffmann, Teresa Meiners, Brigitte Kaune, and Christian Ospelkaus
17:00 |
Q 37.21 |
Optical integration with femto-second laser written waveguides — •Marco Schmauser, Philipp Schindler, Thomas Monz, Marco Valentini, Jakob Wahl, Alexander Zesar, Klemens Schueppert, Bernhard Lamprecht, Philipp Hurdax, Clemens Rössler, and Rainer Blatt
17:00 |
Q 37.22 |
Building a tweezer array with programmable connectivity — •Johannes Schabbauer, Stephan Roschinski, Marvin Holten, and Julian Léonard
17:00 |
Q 37.23 |
Coherent control of strontium atoms trapped in an optical lattice and applications for quantum simulations — •Jan Geiger, Valentin Klüsener, Sebastian Pucher, Felix Spriestersbach, Immanuel Bloch, and Sebastian Blatt
17:00 |
Q 37.24 |
Quantum speed limit dependence on the number of controls in a qubit array — •David Pohl, Fernando Gago-Encinas, Matthias Krauß, and Christiane P. Koch
17:00 |
Q 37.25 |
Realising fast readout for Rydberg arrays — •Balázs Dura-Kovács, Mehmet Öncü, Jacopo De Santis, Sebastian Ruffert, and Johannes Zeiher
17:00 |
Q 37.26 |
Optical tweezers for trapped ion quantum simulation — •Rima X. Schüssler, Matteo Mazzanti, Clara Robalo Pereira, Nella Diepeveen, Louis Gallagher, Zeger Ackerman, Arghavan Safavi-Naini, and Rene Gerritsma
17:00 |
Q 37.27 |
Progress towards a fault tolerant microwave-driven two qubit quantum processor — •Hardik Mendpara, Nicolas Pulido-Mateo, Markus Duwe, Alexander Onkes, Ludwig Krinner, and Christian Ospelkaus
17:00 |
Q 37.28 |
Employing continuous quantum systems to solve optimization problems — •Alexander Sauer, Sebastian Luhn, and Jannes Weghake
17:00 |
Q 37.29 |
Extreme power spectre effects with special pulse shapes: Power narrowing and power broadening — •Ivo Mihov
17:00 |
Q 37.30 |
Entanglement generation in photonic two photon quantum walks — •Federico Pegoraro, Philip Held, Benjamin Brecht, and Christine Silberhorn
17:00 |
Q 37.31 |
Development of time-multiplexed fiber-based quantum walks — •Moritz Borchardt, Federico Pegoraro, Benjamin Brecht, and Christine Silberhorn
17:00 |
Q 37.32 |
Quantum Information Processing with trapped-ion based Qudits — •Lukas Gerster, Peter Tirler, Manuel John, Lisa Parigger, Michael Meth, Claire Edmunds, Pavel Hrmo, Benjamin Wilhelm, Martin van Mourik, Rainer Blatt, Philipp Schindler, Thomas Monz, and Martin Ringbauer
17:00 |
Q 37.33 |
The contribution has been withdrawn.
17:00 |
Q 37.34 |
The contribution has been withdrawn.
17:00 |
Q 37.35 |
Solving optimization problems with local light shift encoding on Rydberg quantum annealers — •Kapil Goswami, Rick Mukherjee, Herwig Ott, and Peter Schmelcher
17:00 |
Q 37.36 |
Quantum gas microscopy of strongly correlated states of the Fermi-Hubbard model — •Johannes Obermeyer, Dominik Bourgund, Petar Bojovic, Si Wang, Titus Franz, Thomas Chalopin, Immanuel Bloch, and Timon Hilker
17:00 |
Q 37.37 |
Quantum Computation with Neutral Alkaline-Earth-like Ytterbium Rydberg Atoms in Optical Tweezer Arrays — •Nejira Pintul, Tobias Petersen, Nicolas Heimann, Lukas Broers, Koen Sponselee, Alexander Ilin, Jonas Rauchfuß, Oscar Murzewitz, Clara Schellong, Jan Deppe, Christoph Becker, Ludwig Mathey, and Klaus Sengstock
17:00 |
Q 37.38 |
Optical Protocol for Generating Squeezed Coherent State Superpositions — •Elnaz Bazzazi, Roger Alfredo Kögler, Leon Reichgardt, and Oliver Benson
17:00 |
Q 37.39 |
Towards time-bin entangled photon cluster states — •Siavash Qodratipour, Thomas Häffner, and Oliver Benson
17:00 |
Q 37.40 |
Towards a quantum gas microscope with programmable lattices — •Sarah Waddington, Isabelle Safa, Marvin Holten, and Julian Léonard
17:00 |
Q 37.41 |
Optical Ising model simulations with caesium vapor cells — •Kilian Junicke, Elizabeth Robertson, Mingwei Yang, Inna Kwiatkowski, and Janik Wolters
17:00 |
Q 37.42 |
Graph states generation from one and two atoms in an optical cavity — Philip Thomas, •Leonardo Ruscio, Olivier Morin, and Gerhard Rempe
17:00 |
Q 37.43 |
Exploring the stability and performance of integrated linear optical networks for photonic quantum computing — •Cheeranjiv Pandey, Federico Pegoraro, Michael Stefszky, Benjamin Brecht, and Christine Silberhorn
17:00 |
Q 37.44 |
Ion trap architectures for enhanced qubit connectivity — •Marco Valentini, Martin van Mourik, Friederike Butt, Matthias Dietl, Jakob Wahl, Michael Pfeifer, Marco Schmauser, Bassem Badawi, Philip Holz, Clemens Rössler, Markus Müller, Thomas Monz, Philipp Schindler, and Rainer Blatt
17:00 |
Q 37.45 |
A quantum key distribution network with a multi-user phase- time coding quantum key hub for city-wide deployment — •Maximilian Tippmann, Florian Niederschuh, Erik Fitzke, Till Dolejsky, and Thomas Walther
17:00 |
Q 37.46 |
Coupling of photonic crystal fibers to nonlinear waveguides for quantum frequency conversion — •Felix Rohe, Marlon Schäfer, Tobias Bauer, David Lindler, and Christoph Becher
17:00 |
Q 37.47 |
From Nonlinear Frequency Conversion towards Quantum Frequency Conversion — Anica Hamer, •Priyanka Yashwantrao, Alireza Aghababaei, Frank Vewinger, and Simon Stellmer
17:00 |
Q 37.48 |
PIC based Entangled Photon Pair Source using Spontaneous Four-Wave-Mixing and Pulsed PDH-Locking — •Maximilian Mengler, Jakob Kaltwasser, Erik Fitzke, and Thomas Walther
17:00 |
Q 37.49 |
High-performance imaging of nanophotonic structures in cryogenic envoirment — •Timo Eikelmann, Donika Imeri, Rikhav Shah, Lasse Irrgang, Mara Brinkmann, Tuncay Ulas, Konstantin Beck, Lennart Manthey, and Ralf Riedinger
17:00 |
Q 37.50 |
An improved DM-CV-QKD system for metropolitan fiber links — •Stefan Richter, Hüseyin Vural, Jan Schreck, Kevin Jaksch, Ömer Bayraktar, Thomas Dirmeier, Wenjia Elser, Dominique Elser, and Christoph Marquardt
17:00 |
Q 37.51 |
Towards Quantum Memories in Noble-Gas Nuclear Spins with Alkali Metal Vapour as Optical Interface — •Norman Vincenz Ewald, Tianhao Liu, Alexander Erl, Luisa Esguerra, Wolfgang Kilian, Jens Voigt, Denis Uhland, Ilja Gerhardt, and Janik Wolters
17:00 |
Q 37.52 |
Simulation of Cluster state generation process with time-bin protocol — •Ruolin Guan, Fei Ding, and Klemens Hammerer
17:00 |
Q 37.53 |
The contribution has been withdrawn.
17:00 |
Q 37.54 |
Photonic integrated circuits for phase-encoded prepare-and-measure QKD on a CubeSat — •Joost Vermeer, Jonas Pudelko, Kevin Günthner, and Christoph Marquardt
17:00 |
Q 37.55 |
Characterization of second order noise processes in waveguide-based quantum frequency converters — •Ann-Kathrin Müller, Markus Struckmann, Florian Elsen, and Constantin Leon Häfner
17:00 |
Q 37.56 |
Singular modes of light in dynamic random media — •David Bachmann, Mathieu Isoard, Giacomo Sorelli, Vyacheslav Shatokhin, and Andreas Buchleitner
17:00 |
Q 37.57 |
17:00 |
Q 37.58 |
Machine learning improved search for nitrogen-vacancy colour centres with long coherence times — •Ricky-Joe Plate, Jan Thieme, and Kilian Singer
17:00 |
Q 37.59 |
A compact WGMR-based source optimized for coupling to an ion in a deep parabolic mirror — Sheng-Hsuan Huang, •Thomas Dirmeier, Martin Fischer, Markus Sondermann, Gerd Leuchs, and Christoph Marquardt