17:00 |
Q 38.1 |
New Magnetically Levitation System for Magnetometry — •Changhao Xu, Wei Ji, and Dmitry Budker
17:00 |
Q 38.2 |
GHZ-bandwidth four-wave mixing in a thermal rubidium vapor using the 6P intermediate state — •Max Mäusezahl, Felix Moumtsilis, Moritz Seltenreich, Jan Reuter, Haim Nakav, Hadiseh Alaeian, Harald Kübler, Matthias Müller, Charles Stuart Adams, Robert Löw, and Tilman Pfau
17:00 |
Q 38.3 |
Gyroscopy with ensemble NV centers in diamond — •Muhib Omar, Joseph Shaji Rebeirro, Dmitry Budker, and Arne Wickenbrock
17:00 |
Q 38.4 |
Magnetometry and Thermometry with NV centers in a seeded optical cavity — •Florian Schall, Felix A. Hahl, Lukas Lindner, Alexander Zaitsev, Takeshi Ohshima, and Jan Jeske
17:00 |
Q 38.5 |
Progress towards a fiber-based cold atom source in the meter range — •Marcus Malki, Viet Hoang, Thomas Halfmann, and Thorsten Peters
17:00 |
Q 38.6 |
Temperature dependence of charge conversion during NV-center relaxometry — •Isabel Cardoso Barbosa, Jonas Gutsche, Stefan Dix, Dennis Lönard, and Artur Widera
17:00 |
Q 38.7 |
Stable Zerodur based optical system for the MAIUS-2 mission — •Sören Boles, Moritz Mihm, André Wenzlawski, Ortwin Hellmig, Klaus Sengstock, Patrick Windpassinger, and the MAIUS Team
17:00 |
Q 38.8 |
(Near) zero-field cross-relaxation features for diamond magnetometry — •Omkar Dhungel, Till Lenz, Mariusz Mrózek, Muhib Omar, Joseph Shaji Rebeirro, Wojciech Gawlik, Adam Wojciechowski, Viktor Ivady, Adam Gali, Arne Wickenbrock, and Dmitry Budker
17:00 |
Q 38.9 |
Ion trap chips on dielectric substrates for double-well coupling experiments — •Michael D.J. Pfeifer, Simon Schey, Matthias Dietl, Fabian Anmasser, Jakob Wahl, Marco Valentini, Martin van Mourik, Thomas Monz, Fabian Laurent, Clemens Rössler, Yves Colombe, and Philipp Schindler
17:00 |
Q 38.10 |
Microscopy Setup for Optical Measurements of Distances between Nanodiamonds and Microwave-Antennas — •Oliver Beiersdorf, Stefan Dix, Dennis Lönard, Isabel Barbosa, and Artur Widera
17:00 |
Q 38.11 |
Real-world NV-center vector magnetometry of a 3D coil system — •Dennis Lönard, Stefan Dix, Isabel Barbosa, and Artur Widera
17:00 |
Q 38.12 |
Optimizing efficiencies in time-multiplexed photonic quantum walks — •Philip Held, Vincent Borlisch, Federico Pegoraro, Benjamin Brecht, and Christine Silberhorn
17:00 |
Q 38.13 |
Nonlinear light-matter interaction based on integrated waveguides immersed in hot atomic vapor — •Annika Belz, Robin Klöpfer, Benyamin Shnirman, Xiaoyu Cheng, Harald Kübler, Charles Stuart Adams, Hadiseh Alaeian, Robert Löw, and Tilman Pfau
17:00 |
Q 38.14 |
A miniaturized and integrated fiber-based magnetic field sensor — •Stefan Dix, Dennis Lönard, Isabel Cardoso Barbosa, Jonas Gutsche, and Artur Widera
17:00 |
Q 38.15 |
Fabricating high-finesse fiber Fabry-Perot cavities for quantum simulation — •Constantin Grave, Isabelle Safa, Marvin Holten, and Julian Leonard
17:00 |
Q 38.16 |
Industrial fabrication of surface ion-traps with integrated optics — •Jakob Wahl, Alexander Zesar, Klemens Schüppert, Clemens Rössler, Philip Schindler, and Christian Roos
17:00 |
Q 38.17 |
Edge Machine-Learning assisted Magnetometer Based on NV-Ensembles in Diamond — •Jonas Homrighausen, Ludwig Horsthemke, Jens Pogorzelski, Sarah Trinschek, Peter Glösekötter, and Markus Gregor
17:00 |
Q 38.18 |
Rydberg Atom-based RF Sensors: E-field amplitude and phase-sensitive detection — •Clara Roth, Matthias Schmidt, Lara Metzger, Stephanie Bohaichuk, Chang Liu, Florian Christaller, Vijin Venu, Harald Kübler, and James Shaffer
17:00 |
Q 38.19 |
Low Cost Prototyping and Teaching Platform for Quantum Sensing using NV Centers — •Marina Peters, Jan Stegemann, Ludwig Horsthemke, Matthias Hollmann, Nils Haverkamp, Stefan Heusler, Peter Glösekötter, and Markus Gregor
17:00 |
Q 38.20 |
Coherent control of ion motion via Rydberg excitation — •Marion Mallweger, Andre Cidrim, Harry Parke, Natalia Kuk, Robin Thomm, Chi Zhang, and Markus Hennrich
17:00 |
Q 38.21 |
QKD with atom photon entanglement over an urban fiber link — •Jonas Meiers, Christian Haen, Max Bergerhoff, Stephan Kucera, and Jürgen Eschner
17:00 |
Q 38.22 |
A Squeezed Light Interface for Silicon Vacancy Centers in Diamond — •Konstantin Beck, Donika Imeri, Mara Brinkmann, Timo Eikelmann, Lasse Jens Irrgang, Lennart Manthey, Sunil Kumar Mahato, Rikhav Shah, Roman Schnabel, and Ralf Riedinger
17:00 |
Q 38.23 |
Fast, efficient and lossless measurement of atom-photon entanglement — •Gianvito Chiarella, Tobias Frank, Pau Farrera, and Gerhard Rempe
17:00 |
Q 38.24 |
Active Polarization Modulation of Passive Entangled Photon Pair Sources — •Sabine Häussler, Philippe Ancsin, Meritxell Cabrejo-Ponce, Rodrigo Gómez, and Fabian Steinlechner
17:00 |
Q 38.25 |
Time-Bin QKD with Wavelength-Division Multiplexing — •Niklas Humberg, Alejandro Sánchez-Postigo, and Carsten Schuck
17:00 |
Q 38.26 |
Low Noise Quantum Frequency Conversion of SnV-Resonant Photons to the Telecom C-Band — •David Lindler, Tobias Bauer, Marlon Schäfer, and Christoph Becher
17:00 |
Q 38.27 |
Polarization-Preserving Quantum Frequency Conversion of 40Ca+-Resonant Photons to the Telecom C-Band — •Tobias Bauer, David Lindler, and Christoph Becher
17:00 |
Q 38.28 |
Coherent excitation of tin vacancy centres in diamond using a cross-polarization excitation scheme — •Dennis Herrmann, Robert Morsch, and Christoph Becher
17:00 |
Q 38.29 |
Indistinguishable single photons from negatively charged tin-vacancy centres in diamond — •R. Morsch, D. Herrmann, J. Goerlitz, B. Kambs, P. Fuchs, P.-O. Colard, M. Markham, and C. Becher
17:00 |
Q 38.30 |
Highly-automated quantum frequency conversion device for single photons from SnV centers in diamond — •Marlon Schäfer, David Lindler, Tobias Bauer, and Christoph Becher
17:00 |
Q 38.31 |
A portable warm vapour quantum memory — •Martin Jutisz, Alexander Erl, Elisa Da Ros, Luisa Esguerra, Janik Wolters, Mustafa Gündoğan, and Markus Krutzik
17:00 |
Q 38.32 |
Processing of Tapered Fibres with Concave End Facets for Quantum Networks — •Lasse Jens Irrgang, Georgia Eirini Mandopoulou, Timo Eikelmann, Mara Brinkmann, Tuncay Ulas, Sunil Kumar Mahato, Donika Imeri, Rikhav Shah, and Ralf Riedinger
17:00 |
Q 38.33 |
Robust Dynamical Decoupling Driven by Pulses with Field Inhomogeneities in Pr:YSO — •Niklas Stewen, Markus Stabel, and Thomas Halfmann
17:00 |
Q 38.34 |
Towards Photonically Connected Quantum Nuclear Microprocessors — •Donika Imeri, Timo Eikelmann, Mara Brinkmann, Lennart Manthey, Rikhav Shah, Lasse Jens Irrgang, Konstantin Beck, and Ralf Riedinger
17:00 |
Q 38.35 |
A Protocol for Multiplexed Entanglement Generation with Distinguishable Telecom Emitters — •Fabian Salamon, Olivier Kuijpers, Adrian Holzäpfel, and Andreas Reiserer
17:00 |
Q 38.36 |
Exploring Germanium-Vacancy Centers in Diamond Cavities for a Quantum Repeater Module — •Prithvi Gundlapalli, Katharina Senkalla, Lev Kazak, Philipp Vetter, Stefan Dietel, and Fedor Jelezko
17:00 |
Q 38.37 |
Monolithic source for narrow-band photon pairs using down-conversion in ppKTP — •Leon Meßner, Helen Chrzanowski, and Janik Wolters
17:00 |
Q 38.38 |
Towards a fully integrated SU(1,1) interferometer in a periodically poled Ti:LiNbO3 waveguide — •Jonas Babai-Hemati, Kai Hong Luo, Raimund Ricken, Harald Herrmann, and Christine Silberhorn
17:00 |
Q 38.39 |
Optical Coherence Tomography with Undetected Photons Based on an Integrated PDC Source — •Franz Roeder, René Pollmann, Michael Stefszky, Victor Quiring, Raimund Ricken, Christof Eigner, Benjamin Brecht, and Christine Silberhorn
17:00 |
Q 38.40 |
Criticality-Enhanced Precision in Phase Thermometry — •Mei Yu, H. Chau Nguyen, and Stefan Nimmrichter
17:00 |
Q 38.41 |
The contribution has been withdrawn.
17:00 |
Q 38.42 |
Excited state lifetime of NV-centers for magnetometry — •Ludwig Horsthemke, Jens Pogorzelski, Lutz Langguth, Robert Staacke, Markus Gregor, and Peter Glösekötter
17:00 |
Q 38.43 |
Progress towards single photon EIT light storage at ZEFOZ conditions in Pr:YSO — •Marcel Hain, Tom Güntzel, and Thomas Halfmann
17:00 |
Q 38.44 |
Optimal valley control in 2D materials with subcycle laser pulses — •Arkajyoti Maity, Ulf Saalmann, and Jan-Michael Rost
17:00 |
Q 38.45 |
The contribution has been withdrawn.
17:00 |
Q 38.46 |
Spatial search via quantum walk on lattices with long-range hopping — •Moritz Linnebacher, Emma King, and Giovanna Morigi
17:00 |
Q 38.47 |
quantum optimal control for GHZ-class states — •yitian wang and christiane koch
17:00 |
Q 38.48 |
Correlations in two-photon-excited ion chains — •Zyad Shehata, Stefan Richter, Benjamin Zenz, Maurizio Verde, Ansgar Schaefer, Ferdinand Schmidt-Kaler, and Joachim von Zanthier
17:00 |
Q 38.49 |
High fidelity quantum gates between electronic and nuclear spins in diamond — •Simon Gregor Walliser, Philipp Vetter, and Fedor Jelezko