Freiburg 2024 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
Q 47: Open Quantum Systems
Donnerstag, 14. März 2024, 11:00–13:00, HS 3219
11:00 |
Q 47.1 |
Optimal Cooling in Markovian Quantum Systems — •Emanuel Malvetti
11:15 |
Q 47.2 |
Quantum speed limit for perturbed open systems — •Benjamin Yadin, Satoya Imai, and Otfried Gühne
11:30 |
Q 47.3 |
Adiabatic quantum trajectories in engineered reservoirs — •Emma King, Luigi Giannelli, Raphaël Menu, Johannes Kriel, and Giovanna Morigi
11:45 |
Q 47.4 |
Stochastic unravelling of Lindblad equation for N coupled oscillators — Juan Moreno, •Abhijit Pendse, and Alexander Eisfeld
12:00 |
Q 47.5 |
Collision models from the perspective of fast scattering events — •Michael Gaida and Stefan Nimmrichter
12:15 |
Q 47.6 |
Spin Coherence in Strongly-Coupled Spin Baths in Quasi Two-Dimensional Layers — Philip Schätzle and •Walter Hahn
12:30 |
Q 47.7 |
Dissipative quantum phase transition in an interacting many-particle system: from two-level to multilevel spins — •Lukas Pausch, François Damanet, Thierry Bastin, and John Martin
12:45 |
Q 47.8 |
Exceptional points at x-ray wavelengths — •Fabian Richter and Adriana Pálffy