17:00 |
Q 55.1 |
Enhanced laser systems for photoassociation spectroscopy and cold Hg atoms — •Rudolf Homm and Thomas Walther
17:00 |
Q 55.2 |
Machine Learning techniques in Quantum Gas Transport Experiments — •Gabriel Müller, Victor J. Martínez-Lahuerta, Philipp-Immanuel Schneider, Ivan Sekulic, and Naceur Gaaloul
17:00 |
Q 55.3 |
Preparation and Adaptation for the Integration of the BECCAL Laser System — •Marc Kitzmann, Matthias Schoch, Christoph Weise, Hamish Beck, Hrudya Thaivalappil Sunilkumar, Bastian Leykauf, Evgeny Kovalchuk, Jakob Pohl, Achim Peters, and the BECCAL Collaboration
17:00 |
Q 55.4 |
Optical zerodur bench system for the BECCAL ISS quantum gas experiment — •Faruk Alexander Sellami, André Wenzlawski, Esther del Pino Rosendo, Jean Pierre Maburger, Ortwin Hellmig, Klaus Sengstock, Patrick Windpassinger, and THE BECCAL TEAM
17:00 |
Q 55.5 |
Purcell modified Doppler cooling of quantum emitters inside optical cavities — •Julian Lyne, Nico Bassler, Seong eun Park, Guido Pupillo, and Claudiu Genes
17:00 |
Q 55.6 |
The contribution has been withdrawn.
17:00 |
Q 55.7 |
Two-dimensional grating magneto-optical trap — •Joseph Muchovo, Hendrik Heine, Aaditya Mishra, Julian Lemburg, Kai-Christian Bruna, Waldemar Herr, Christian Schubert, and Ernst M. Rasel
17:00 |
Q 55.8 |
Chip-Scale Quantum Gravimeter — •Julian Lemburg, Hendrik Heine, Joseph Muchovo, Aaditya Mishra, Kai-Christian Bruns, Ernst M. Rasel, Waldemar Herr, and Christian Schubert
17:00 |
Q 55.9 |
Assessing interactions of Rb vapor with mirror coatings — •Constantin Avvacumov, Alexander Herbst, Klaus Zipfel, Ali Lezeik, Dorothee Tell, Jonas Klussmeyer, and Dennis Schlippert
17:00 |
Q 55.10 |
Comparison of Laser system Designs in BECCAL for Cold Atom Experiments on ISS — •Hrudya Thaivalappil Sunilkumar, Hamish Beck, Marc Kitzmann, Matthias Schoch, Christoph Weise, Bastian Leykauf, Evgeny Kovalchuk, Jakob Pohl, Achim Peters, and The BECCAL Collaboration
17:00 |
Q 55.11 |
Driving Raman transitions using a nano-structured atom chip — •Kai-Christian Bruns, Julian Lemburg, Hendrik Heine, Joseph Muchovo, Aaditya Mishra, Waldemar Herr, Christian Schubert, and Ernst M. Rasel
17:00 |
Q 55.12 |
The MAIUS-2 laser system — •Pawel Arciszewski, Klaus Döringshoff, Achim Peters, and The MAIUS Team
17:00 |
Q 55.13 |
PRIMUS - all-optical source of ultracold rubidium atoms for microgravity — •Marian Woltmann, Jan Eric Stiehler, Marius Prinz, Sven Herrmann, and The PRIMUS-Team
17:00 |
Q 55.14 |
Experimental realization of a two-dimensional sodium potassium mixture — •Brian Bostwick, Anton Eberhardt, Malaika Göritz, Lilo Höcker, Jan Kilinc, Helmut Strobel, and Markus K. Oberthaler
17:00 |
Q 55.15 |
An ion-trap chip with integrated elements for a scalable quantum processor — •Benjamin Bürger, Ivan Boldin, Christof Wunderlich, Saptarshi Biswas, and Daniel Busch
17:00 |
Q 55.16 |
Towards Sympathetic Cooling of Ytterbium Ions Using Sub-Doppler Cooled Barium Ions in a Novel Planar Micro-Structured Segmented Linear Paul Trap — •Pedram Yaghoubi, Florian Köppen, Ernst Alfred Hackler, Dorna Niroomand, Michael Johanning, and Christof Wunderlich
17:00 |
Q 55.17 |
Elements for quantum computing with trapped ions using cryogenic electronics — •Rodolfo Munoz-Rodriguez, Dorna Niroomand, Ivan Boldin, Daniel Busch, Patrick Huber, Markus Nünnerich, and Christof Wunderlich
17:00 |
Q 55.18 |
Double imaging and stray light suppression for a multi species Paul trap for quantum computing — •Ernst Alfred Hackler, Pedram Yaghoubi, Florian Köppen, Hendrik Siebeneich, and Christof Wunderlich
17:00 |
Q 55.19 |
Towards a Quantum Gas Microscope for fermionic NaK molecules — •Leonard Bleiziffer, Shrestha Biswas, Sebastian Eppelt, Xingyan Chen, Christine Frank, Timon Hilker, Immanuel Bloch, and Xinyu Luo
17:00 |
Q 55.20 |
Non-abelian invariants in periodically-driven quantum rotors — •Volker Karle, Areg Ghazaryan, and Mikhail Lemeshko
17:00 |
Q 55.21 |
Signatures of many-body localization in a two-dimensional lattice of ultracold polar molecules with disordered filling — •Timothy J. Harris, Andrew J. Groszek, Arghavan Safavi-Naini, and Matthew J. Davis
17:00 |
Q 55.22 |
PL5-7 centers in 4H-SiC for spin-based quantum technologies — •Raphael Wörnle, Jonathan Körber, Timo Steidl, Georgy Astakhov, Florian Kaiser, and Jörg Wrachtrup
17:00 |
Q 55.23 |
Computer Simulation Framework for coherent two-dimensional electronic Spectroscopy — •Joel Ströhmann and Mario Agio
17:00 |
Q 55.24 |
Quantum photonics using color centers in a diamond membrane coupled to a photonic structure — •Surena Fatemi, Aurélie Broussier, Roy Konnoth Ancel, Jan Fait, Christophe Couteau, and Christoph Becher
17:00 |
Q 55.25 |
The contribution has been withdrawn (duplicate of Q 55.27).
17:00 |
Q 55.26 |
The contribution has been withdrawn (duplicate of Q 55.27).
17:00 |
Q 55.27 |
Organic molecule photon number adjustable quantum emitters — •Yijun Wang, Subhabrata Ghosh, Maximilian Luka, and Ilja Gerhardt
17:00 |
Q 55.28 |
Homogeneous etching of nanofabricated waveguide structures in 4H-SiC for quantum information applications — •Nithin Thomas Alex, Marcel Krumrein, and Jörg Wrachtrup
17:00 |
Q 55.29 |
The contribution has been withdrawn.
17:00 |
Q 55.30 |
Ultrafast single-photon detection at high repetition rates based on optical Kerr gates under focusing — •Amr Farrag, Abdul-Hamid Fattah, Assegid Mengistu Flatae, and Mario Agio
17:00 |
Q 55.31 |
Mobile quantum sensing setup based on Nitrogen-Vacancy centers in diamond — •Wanrong Li, Oliver Gerull, Mike Johannes, Florian Böhm, Masazumi Fujiwara, and Oliver Benson
17:00 |
Q 55.32 |
Using low-cost Blu-Ray Optical Pickup Units for Measurement of Single Photon Emission from NV-Centers — •Simon Klug, Jonas Homrighausen, Peter Glösekötter, and Markus Gregor
17:00 |
Q 55.33 |
Artificial light-harvesting complexes based on silicon-vacancy color centers in diamond. — •Laurin Göb, Assegid Flatae, Florian Sledz, Lukas Strauch, Joel Ströhmann, and Mario Agio
17:00 |
Q 55.34 |
Surface-supported single organic molecules demonstrate lifetime-limited linewidths — •Ashley Shin, Masoud Mirzaei, Alexey Shkarin, Johannes Zirkelbach, Jan Renger, Tobias Utikal, Stephan Götzinger, and Vahid Sandoghdar
17:00 |
Q 55.35 |
Identifying Yellow Color-Centers in Hexagonal Boron-Nitride — •Pablo Tieben and Andreas W. Schell
17:00 |
Q 55.36 |
SiV centers in nanodiamonds for quantum networks — •Richard Waltrich, Marco Klotz, Andreas Tangemann, Lukas Antoniuk, Niklas Lettner, Viatcheslav Agafonov, and Alexander Kubanek
17:00 |
Q 55.37 |
towards coherent dipole-dipole coupling: cryogenic single-molecule microscopy of dbatt dimers — •Siwei Luo, Michael Becker, Hisham Mazal, Alexey Sharkin, Aleksandr Oschepkov, Konstantin Amsharov, Tim Hebenstreit, Jan Renger, Vahid Sandoghdar, and Stephan Götzinger
17:00 |
Q 55.38 |
Utilizing Integrated Single Photon Emitters on Waveguides for Testing Extended Quantum Theories — •Josefine Krause, Mohammad Nasimuzzaman Mishuk, Kabilan Sripathy, Najme Ahmadi, Sebastian Ritter, Mostafa Abasifard, Giacomo Corielli, and Tobias Vogl
17:00 |
Q 55.39 |
Spin Properties of SiV Center in Nanodiamonds — •Kathrin Schwer, Marco Klotz, Andreas Tangemann, Richard Waltrich, Viatcheslav Agafonov, and Alexander Kubanek
17:00 |
Q 55.40 |
Investigating exciton-plasmon interaction in an ion-exchanged glass covered by silver iodide nanoparticles — •Razieh Talebi
17:00 |
Q 55.41 |
Fluorescence resonance energy transfer near plasmonic nanostructures — •Shubhadeep Mondal and Markus Lippitz
17:00 |
Q 55.42 |
Metal-enhanced photosensitization in riboflavin functionalized gold nanoparticles: photophysical mechanisms and application in bioimaging — •Jelena Pajovic, Radovan Dojcilovic, Dragana Tosic, Matthieu Refregiers, Dusan Bozanic, and Vladimir Vladimir
17:00 |
Q 55.43 |
Nonlinear emission properties of inverted plasmonic nanostructures — •Valentin Dichtl, Thorsten Schumacher, and Markus Lippitz
17:00 |
Q 55.44 |
The contribution has been withdrawn.
17:00 |
Q 55.45 |
Optical properties of biosynthesized nanoscaled Eu2O3 for red luminescence and potential antidiabetic applications — •Hamza Mohamed
17:00 |
Q 55.46 |
The contribution has been withdrawn.
17:00 |
Q 55.47 |
Squeezed States for Gaussian Boson Sampling From a KTP Waveguide Resonator — •Jonas Sichler, Christine Silberhorn, and Michael Stefszky