17:00 |
Q 57.1 |
Implementation of a laser system for alkali vapor MEMS cell activation — •Janice Wollenberg, Jenichi Clairvaux Felizco, Julien Kluge, Daniel Emanuel Kohl, Kai Gehrke, Andreas Thies, Klaus Döringshoff, Olaf Krüger, and Markus Krutzik
17:00 |
Q 57.2 |
Status of a modern Michelson Morley experiment using ultrastable cryogenic cavities and shot noise limited cryogenic detectors — •Erich Günter Leo Pape, Evgeny Kovalchuk, and Achim Peters
17:00 |
Q 57.3 |
Optofluidic lasing within a fiber-based microresonator — •Mustafa Gerdan, Shalom Palkhivala, Larissa Kohler, and David Hunger
17:00 |
Q 57.4 |
Status of Laser Cooling at the FAIR SIS100 — •Denise Schwarz, Jens Gumm, Benedikt Langfeld, Sebastian Klammes, Danyal Winters, and Thomas Walther
17:00 |
Q 57.5 |
Utilizing coupled mode theory for surrogate modeling with 3D FDTD simulations of GaAs-based surface Bragg grating — •Yasmin Rahimof, Igor Nechepurenko, Sten Wenzel, Reza Mahani, and Andreas Wicht
17:00 |
Q 57.6 |
Tunability of a Pulsed UV Laser System for Laser Cooling of Relativistic Bunched Ion Beams — •Tamina Grunwitz, Benedikt Langfeld, and Thomas Walther
17:00 |
Q 57.7 |
Generation of cw UV radiation using elliptical focusing enhancement cavities — •Jens Gumm, Daniel Preißler, and Thomas Walther
17:00 |
Q 57.8 |
Defect Dynamics and Microstructure in Colloidal Glasses Using Holographic Optical Tweezers — •Rhuthwik Sriranga, Ratimanasee Sahu, Diptabrata Paul, GV Pavan Kumar, Vijayakumar Chikkadi, and Patrick Windpassinger
17:00 |
Q 57.9 |
Advancing Fiber Cavity QED with Precision Mirror Fabrication — •Nick Theilacker, Patrick Maier, Gregor Bayer, Selene Sachero, Robert Berghaus, David Opferkuch, and Alexander Kubanek
17:00 |
Q 57.10 |
Noise cancelling in solid-state lasers — •Thomas Konrad, Tobias Steinle, Roman Bek, Michael Scharwaechter, Matthias Seibold, Andy Steinmann, and Harald Giessen
17:00 |
Q 57.11 |
Machine-aided Autonomous Dispersion Compensation of Femtosecond Pulses in a Fiber-Integrated System — •Mehmet Müftüoglu, Bennet Fischer, and Mario Chemnitz
17:00 |
Q 57.12 |
The contribution has been withdrawn.
17:00 |
Q 57.13 |
Towards frequency comb Raman spectroscopy for quantum logic — •Elyas Mattivi
17:00 |
Q 57.14 |
Towards state preparation, readout, and control of polyatomic molecular ions using quantum logic spectroscopy — •Mariano Isaza-Monsalve
17:00 |
Q 57.15 |
Enhancing multi-electron event reconstruction for delay line detectors using deep learning — •Tobias Volk, Marco Knipfer, Stefan Meier, Jonas Heimerl, Sergei Gleyzer, and Peter Hommelhoff
17:00 |
Q 57.16 |
Optical coherence tomography of encapsulated two-dimensional materials using extreme ultraviolet radiation from high-harmonic generation sources — •Felix Wiesner, Julius Reinhard, Johann J Abel, Martin Wünsche, Gerhard G Paulus, and Silvio Fuchs
17:00 |
Q 57.17 |
Evolution of Floquet topological quantum states in drivensemiconductors — Andreas Lubatsch and •Regine Frank