Freiburg 2024 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
Q 64: Solid State Quantum Optics II
Freitag, 15. März 2024, 11:00–13:00, HS 3219
11:00 |
Q 64.1 |
Chip-fibre interface for integrated quantum networks — •Tim Engling, Jonas Zatsch, Jeldrik Huster, Simon Abdani, Christian Schweikert, and Stefanie Barz
11:15 |
Q 64.2 |
Towards Cavity-Enhanced Spectroscopy of Single Europium Ions in Yttria Nanocrystals — •Timon Eichhorn, Jannis Hessenauer, Philippe Goldner, Diana Serrano, and David Hunger
11:30 |
Q 64.3 |
Maximizing photon-number resolution from an SNSPD — •Niklas Lamberty, Timon Schapeler, Thomas Hummel, Fabian Schlue, Michael Stefszky, Benjamin Brecht, Christine Silberhorn, and Tim J. Bartley
11:45 |
Q 64.4 |
Efficient heralding of pure single-photons at telecom wavelength from pulsed cavity-enhanced SPDC — •Xavier Barcons Planas, Helen M. Chrzanowski, Leon Messner, and Janik Wolters
12:00 |
Q 64.5 |
Quantum optical properties of higher harmonics generated in semiconductors — •Philip Heinzel and René Sondenheimer
12:15 |
Q 64.6 |
Room-temperature ladder-type memory compatible with single photons from InGaAs quantum dots — •Benjamin Maaß, Norman Vincenz Ewald, Avijit Barua, Stephan Reitzenstein, and Janik Wolters
12:30 |
Q 64.7 |
Solid state quantum emitter in wide band gap materials — •A. Kumar, C. Samaner, C. Cholsuk, T. Matthes, S. Suwanna, S. Ateş, and T. Vogl
12:45 |
Q 64.8 |
Characterizing random laser and cavity exiton-polariton supported random laser action in disordered ensembles of the hybrid perovskite CH3 NH 3 PbBr 3 (MAPB) — •Regine Frank, Paul Bouteyre, Hai Son Nguyen, Christian Seassal, Emmanuelle Deleporte, and Bart A. van Tiggelen