Freiburg 2024 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
Q 71: Nano-Optics
Freitag, 15. März 2024, 14:30–16:30, HS 3219
14:30 |
Q 71.1 |
Near-field Fano spectroscopy of MaPbI3 nanoparticles — Jinxin Zhan, •Tom Jehle, Sven Stephan, Sam Nochowitz, Petra Groß, Ekaterina Tiguntseva, Sergey Makarov, and Christoph Lienau
14:45 |
Q 71.2 |
Dynamics of exciton-polaritons in optically driven ZnO nano-particles — Andreas Lubatsch and •Regine Frank
15:00 |
Q 71.3 |
Magnetoplasmonic routing components: isolator, switch, circulator — •Sevag Abadian, Michail Symeonidis, Marian Bogdan Sirbu, Tolga Tekin, and Anil Palaci
15:15 |
Q 71.4 |
Ultrafast near-field scanning optical oscilloscopy — •Juanmei Duan, Tom Jehle, Sam Nochowitz, and Christoph Lienau
15:30 |
Q 71.5 |
Ultrabright single photon sources from single molecules — •Subhabrata Ghosh, Yijun Wang, Maximilian Luka, and Ilja Gerhardt
15:45 |
Q 71.6 |
On-chip interference of scattering from two individual molecules — •Alexey Shkarin, Dominik Rattenbacher, Jan Renger, Tobias Utikal, Stephan Götzinger, and Vahid Sandoghdar
16:00 |
Q 71.7 |
Fourier-limited Single Molecules on a Surface — •Masoud Mirzaei, Alexey Shkarin, Johannes Zirkelbach, Ashley Jiwon Shin, Jan Renger, Tobias Utikal, Stephan Götzinger, and Vahid Sandoghdar
16:15 |
Q 71.8 |
High-resolution cryogenic spectroscopy of single organic molecules in printed nanocrystals — •Mohammad Musavinezhad, Jan Renger, Johannes Zirkelbach, Tobias Utikal, Claudio U. Hail, Dimos Poulikakos, Stephan Götzinger, and Vahid Sandoghdar