Gießen 2024 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
HK 3: Instrumentation I
Montag, 11. März 2024, 16:45–18:15, HBR 19: C 1
16:45 |
HK 3.1 |
The Surrounding Background Tagger for the SHiP Experiment at CERN — •Horst Fischer for the SHiP-SBT collaboration
17:15 |
HK 3.2 |
Testbeam Readout and Slow Control of 4-cell Prototype for the SHiP SBT — •Tim Molzberger for the SHiP-SBT collaboration
17:30 |
HK 3.3 |
Improved Design of a Compact Scintillating-Fiber Detector for Space Applications — •Liesa Eckert, Peter Hinderberger, Martin J. Losekamm, Luise Meyer-Hetling, Stephan Paul, Thomas Pöschl, and Sebastian Rückerl
17:45 |
HK 3.4 |
Advancements in Compact Scintillation Detector "RUBIK " for Tracking of Space Radiation — Roman Bergert, •Hartmut Schotte, Niclas Friedler, Hans-Georg Zaunick, and Kait-Thomas Brinkmann
18:00 |
HK 3.5 |
Development of a cost effective PET-like system utilizing organic scintillators and SIPMs to be used for particle tracking — •Esther Constanze Wais, Nadia Böhle, Mario Fink, Thomas Held, Fritz-Herbert Heinsius, Matthias Steinke, and Ulrich Wiedner