Gießen 2024 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
HK 4: Instrumentation II
Montag, 11. März 2024, 16:45–18:15, HBR 19: C 2
16:45 |
HK 4.1 |
Current status in the concept design, assembly, and performance evaluation of the Silicon Tracking System for the CBM experiment — •Dario Alberto Ramirez Zaldivar for the CBM collaboration
17:15 |
HK 4.2 |
Studies of detector data rates and hit multiplicity for the Silicon Tracking Systems of the CBM experiment — •Mehulkumar Shiroya for the CBM collaboration
17:30 |
HK 4.3 |
HI-TREX: Compact, high resolution particle detection system for ISOLDE — Roman Gernhäuser, •Sergei Golenev, Robert Neagu, and Lutz Ziegele for the MINIBALL-Collaboration
17:45 |
HK 4.4 |
Module and ladder characterization and burn-in tests of the Silicon Tracking System for the CBM experiment — •Lady Maryann Collazo Sánchez for the CBM collaboration
18:00 |
HK 4.5 |
Functional and in-beam performance tests of a PANDA MVD detector prototype — •Nils Tröll, Kai-Thomas Brinkmann, Hans-Georg Zaunick, Marvin Peter, Fabio Cossio, Michele Caselle, Tobias Stockmanns, Lukas Tomasek, Pavel Stanek, and Francesca Lenta for the PANDA collaboration