Gießen 2024 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
HK 65: Structure and Dynamics of Nuclei XII
Donnerstag, 14. März 2024, 15:45–17:15, HBR 19: C 5a
15:45 |
HK 65.1 |
Precision ab initio nuclear structure and implications for fundamental physics — •Matthias Heinz, Kai Hebeler, Jan Hoppe, Takayuki Miyagi, Achim Schwenk, S. Ragnar Stroberg, and Alexander Tichai
16:15 |
HK 65.2 |
Evolution of the quadrupole moment of Cd and Sn nuclei — •Pawan Kumar, Gabriel Martinez-Pinedo, and Paul-Gerhard Reinhard
16:30 |
HK 65.3 |
Probing the doubly magic shell closure at 132Sn by Coulomb excitation of neutron-rich 130Sn — •Maximilian Droste, Peter Reiter, and Thorsten Kröll for the MINIBALL IS702 collaboration
16:45 |
HK 65.4 |
Two-body currents at finite momentum transfer — •Catharina Brase, Takayuki Miyagi, Javier Menéndez, and Achim Schwenk
17:00 |
HK 65.5 |
Shell model investigations along the N=31 and Z=28 chains — •Ramona Burggraf, Peter Reiter, Konrad Arnswald, Andrey Blazhev, Maximilian Droste, Christoph Fransen, and Hannah Kleis