Gießen 2024 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
HK 70: Hadron Structure and Spectroscopy IX
Donnerstag, 14. März 2024, 15:45–17:15, HBR 62: EG 18
15:45 |
HK 70.1 |
Proton charge radius measurement at AMBER — •Martin Hoffmann and the GSI PRM group for the AMBER collaboration
16:15 |
HK 70.2 |
The Silicon Tracking System of the E16 experiment at J-PARC: commissioning and results from the test beam — •Dairon Rodriguez Garces, Maksym Teklishyn, Adrian Rodriguez Rodriguez, Alberica Toia, Joerg Lehnert, Kazuya Aoki, Rento Yamada, Shuta Ochiai, and Kyoichiro Ozawa for the CBM collaboration
16:30 |
HK 70.3 |
Design of a luminosity monitor for the P2 parity violating experiment at MESA — Sebastian Baunack, Maarten Boonekamp, Boris Gläser, Rahima Krini, Frank Maas, Moran Neher, •Tobias Rimke, David Rodriguez Pineiro, and Malte Wilfert for the P2 collaboration
16:45 |
HK 70.4 |
Scintillating Fiber Hodoscopes for the Proton Radius Measurement at AMBER — Christian Dreisbach, •Karl Eichhorn, Jan Friedrich, Igor Konorov, Martin J. Losekamm, Stephan Paul, and Thomas Poeschl for the AMBER collaboration
17:00 |
HK 70.5 |
A feasibility study for the dark photon search at the BGOOD experiment — •Vlera Hajdini for the BGOOD collaboration