Gießen 2024 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
HK 75: Invited Talks IV
Freitag, 15. März 2024, 11:00–12:30, HBR 14: HS 1
11:00 |
HK 75.1 |
Precision theory for charge radii of light nuclei — •Arseniy Filin, Vadim Baru, Evgeny Epelbaum, Christopher Körber, Hermann Krebs, Daniel Möller, Andreas Nogga, and Patrick Reinert
11:30 |
HK 75.2 |
Investigating dense nuclear matter - recent results from HADES — •Behruz Kardan for the HADES collaboration
12:00 |
HK 75.3 |
High-precision mass measurements of light ion species — •Sangeetha Sasidharan, Olesia Bezrodnova, Wolfgang Quint, Sven Sturm, and Klaus Blaum