T 12: Detectors 1 (electronics)
Monday, March 4, 2024, 16:00–17:45, Geb. 30.23: 2/1
16:00 |
T 12.1 |
SIPM based cosmic muon detector wih FPGA implemented digitization — •Erik Ehlert, Dmitry Eliseev, Carsten Presser, Markus Merschmeyer, and Thomas Hebbeker
16:15 |
T 12.2 |
Verification of the new CMS DT on-chamber electronics — •Dmitry Eliseev, Matej Repik, Carsten Presser, Markus Merschmeyer, and Thomas Hebbeker
16:30 |
T 12.3 |
Irradiation test campaign on the CMOS LDO components for the ATLAS sMDT on-detector electronics for the HL-LHC Phase-II Upgrade — Sergey Abovyan, Nayana Bangaru, •Francesco Fallavollita, Markus Fras, Oliver Kortner, Sandra Kortner, Hubert Kroha, Robert Richter, and Elena Voevodina
16:45 |
T 12.4 |
Towards a High-Performance Readout System for the CMS High Granularity Calorimeter — •Fabian Hummer, Luis Ardila, and Frank Simon
17:00 |
T 12.5 |
Code-driven analog design for detector readout ASICs — •Kennedy Caisley, Marco Vogt, Hans Krüger, and Jochen Dingfelder
17:15 |
T 12.6 |
Investigation of the Belle II Pixel Detector Power Supply Network — Patrick Ahlburg, Florian Bernlochner, Jochen Dingfelder, Hans Krüger, •Botho Paschen, and Paula Scholz
17:30 |
T 12.7 |
New amplifier-shaper discriminator chip in 65 nm CMOS technology for small-diameter muon drift-tube chambers at future hadron colliders — •Nayana Bangaru, Sergey Abovyan, Francesco Fallavollita, Oliver Kortner, Sandra Kortner, Hubert Kroha, Giorgia Proto, Robert Richter, Elena Voevodina, and Yazhou Zhao