
Karlsruhe 2024 – scientific programme

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T: Fachverband Teilchenphysik

T 17: Data, AI, Computing 2 (analysis tools)

T 17.2: Talk

Monday, March 4, 2024, 16:15–16:30, Geb. 30.34: LTI

PUNCH4NFDI und XRootD für Storage4PUNCH: Towards a National Federated Computing InfrastructurePhilip Bechtle, Oliver Freyermuth, Michael Hübner, •Simon Thiele, and Luka Vomberg — Physikalisches Institut, Universität Bonn

The NFDI (Nationale ForschungsDaten Infrastruktur, engl. National Research Data Infrastructure) has the aim to systematically connect valuable data from science and research and make it available. PUNCH (Particles, Universe, NuClei and Hadrons) is a consortium in the NFDI, dealing with the titular fields of particle, astro, nuclear and hadron physics. PUNCH4NFDI is organised into several task areas focusing on data management and transformation, the access to computing resources, challenges related to data irreversibility, as well as education and outreach. One important aspect of data management is the transfer of data in a federated storage and computing infrastructure and allowing for the preservation of access rights between individuals and groups.

XRootD is a software framework to manage the access to data and a prime candidate for fulfilling the above role. It consists of software with a scaleable architecture and a communication protocol. Several plug-ins are available to extend the functionality for various specific purposes, such as the use of tokens for authorization.

In this talk I will firstly introduce the PUNCH4NFDI project, then go more into detail on the goals of task area for data management and present my work on the use and modification of XRootD for PUNCH to fulfill all requirements needed for the federated storage infrastructure.

Keywords: PUNCH4NFDI; XRootD; Computing; Storage; Federated Infrastructure

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