T 21: BSM Higgs 1 (extended Higgs sectors)
Monday, March 4, 2024, 16:00–18:00, Geb. 30.41: HS 3
16:00 |
T 21.1 |
Unraveling Sum Rules in 2HDM - Beyond Standard Model Implications — •Sara Chopra, Saurav Bania, Gudrid Moortgart Pick, and Sven Heinemeyer
16:15 |
T 21.2 |
Search for a light CP-odd Higgs boson with the ATLAS detector — •Manuel Gutsche, Asma Hadef, Hannah Jacobi, Tom Kreße, Christian Schmidt, and Arno Straessner
16:30 |
T 21.3 |
Searches for neutral BSM Higgs bosons decaying into tau leptons — •Jacopo Malvaso
16:45 |
T 21.4 |
Exploring a supersymmetric four-Higgs doublet model — •Lucas Willanzheimer, Franziska Lohner, and Gudrid Moortgat-Pick
17:00 |
T 21.5 |
First shot of the smoking gun: probing the electroweak phase transition in the 2HDM with novel searches for A → ZH in ℓ+ ℓ− t t and ν ν b b final states — Thomas Biekötter, Sven Heinemeyer, Jose Miguel No, •Kateryna Radchenko, and Georg Weiglein
17:15 |
T 21.6 |
Search for heavy Higgs bosons in the ttZ final state at CMS — Matteo Bonanomi, Yannick Fischer, Johannes Haller, •Daniel Hundhausen, Christopher Matthies, and Matthias Schröder
17:30 |
T 21.7 |
The contribution has been withdrawn.
17:45 |
T 21.8 |
Intermediate Charge-Breaking Phases in the 2HDM — Mayumi Aoki, Lisa Biermann, •Christoph Borschensky, Igor P. Ivanov, Margarete Mühlleitner, and Hiroto Shibuya