Bonn 2025 – wissenschaftliches Programm
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A: Fachverband Atomphysik
A 1: Atomic Systems in External Fields I
A 1.6: Vortrag
Montag, 10. März 2025, 12:45–13:00, KlHS Mathe
Comment on the Sommerfeld Fine Structure Constant tension — •Manfred Geilhaupt — University of Applied Sciences HS Niederrhein
In todays physics, the fine-structure constant (alpha) is a fundamental physical constant which quantifies the strength of the electromagnetic interaction between elementary charged particles. The constant alpha was introduced in 1916 by Arnold Sommerfeld. However, alpha still is an unsolved theoretical and even experimental physical problem up to now! Alpha from atomic interferometric experiments shows a large difference compared to their high accuracy:
1. 2018 Parker et al. 1/137.035999046(27), atomic interferometer experiment Science* 13 Apr 2018:Vol. 360, Issue 6385, pp. 191-195
2. 2020 Morel et al. 1/137.035999206(11), atomic interferometer experiment Nature 588, 61*65 (2020)
3. 2018 Codata 1/137.035999084(15), quantum hall experiment. The 2011 last experimental von Klitzing constant RK=25812.807442(30)Ohm accuracy can be increased by an order of magnitude today.
4. 2019 form Codata given alphaC= 1/137.035999177(21) 2019 from Codata given alphaRKC=1/137.035999127 based on RKC= 25812.807450(00)Ohm (exact defined) does not match. The presentation contains two answers to the question about tension. (A. Einstein: Ein Problem kann man nicht mit der Denkweise lösen, durch das es entstanden ist.)
Keywords: atomic interferometry; fine structure constant; tension between experimental data; quantum hall resistance; von Klitzing Constant