Bonn 2025 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
A 10: Poster – Ultra-cold Plasmas and Rydberg Systems (joint session A/Q)
Dienstag, 11. März 2025, 14:00–16:00, Tent
14:00 |
A 10.1 |
Study of Rydberg states in ultra cold ytterbium — •Alexander Miethke, Nele Koch, and Axel Görlitz
14:00 |
A 10.2 |
Avalanche events and universality crossover on a dynamical network in a driven, dissipative Rydberg gas — •Simon Ohler, Daniel Brady, and Michael Fleischhauer
14:00 |
A 10.3 |
Continuous observation of non-equilibrium phase transitions in facilitated Rydberg avalanches — •Patrick Mischke, Fabian Isler, Jana Bender, Thomas Niederprüm, and Herwig Ott
14:00 |
A 10.4 |
High precision spectroscopy of trilobite Rydberg molecular series — •Markus Exner, Richard Blättner, Rohan Srikumar, Matt Eiles, Peter Schmelcher, and Herwig Ott
14:00 |
A 10.5 |
Experimental setup for the generation of atomic Rydberg states with chiral signatures — •Miles DeWitt, Stefan Aull, Steffen Giesen, Moritz Göb, Peter Zahariev, Robert Berger, and Kilian Singer
14:00 |
A 10.6 |
Construction of a versatile platform for Rydberg atom experiments — •Aaron Thielmann, Sven Schmidt, Suthep Pomjaksilp, Thomas Niederprüm, and Herwig Ott