Bonn 2025 – scientific programme
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A: Fachverband Atomphysik
A 11: Poster – Cold Atoms and Molecules, Matter Waves (joint session Q/A/MO)
A 11.36: Poster
Tuesday, March 11, 2025, 14:00–16:00, Tent
Exploring extended Hubbard models in an optical superlattice — •Valentin Jonas, Nick Klemmer, Janek Fleper, Ameneh Sheikhan, Corinna Kollath, Michael Köhl, and Andrea Bergschneider — Physikalisches Institut, Bonn, Germany
Ultracold atoms in optical lattices allow for simulating strongly correlated many-body systems in the Hubbard model. Its quantum phases arising from the interplay of tunneling and on-site interaction have been extensively studied over the last few years experimentally, while systems beyond the simple Hubbard model are much less explored.
Our experimental apparatus uses fermionic potassium atoms in a 3D optical lattice with an in-plane superlattice to realize chains of double wells. By asymmetrically shaking the double wells, we recently realized an effective Floquet system with additional pair tunneling while fully suppressing the dynamics of single particles. By controlling the drive frequency, we could tune the system and enhance pair tunneling up to the size of the superexchange [1].
Currently, we are investigating excited two-particle states in the superlattice such as repulsively bound atom pairs and can demonstrate their deterministic preparation in the double wells. These states are predicted to be connected to pair states featuring unconventional superconductivity.
[1] N. Klemmer et al., PRL (Accepted), 2024
Keywords: Optical lattice; Double well; Floquet engineering; Hubbard model; Superlattice