Bonn 2025 – wissenschaftliches Programm
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A: Fachverband Atomphysik
A 13: Ultra-cold Atoms, Ions and BEC III (joint session A/Q)
A 13.2: Vortrag
Mittwoch, 12. März 2025, 11:30–11:45, KlHS Mathe
Quadrupole Coupling of Circular Rydberg Qubits to Inner Shell Excitations — •Aaron Götzelmann, Einius Pultinevicius, Moritz Berngruber, Christian Hölzl, and Florian Meinert — 5. Physikalisches Institut, Universität Stuttgart, Germany
Divalent atoms provide excellent means for advancing control in Rydberg atom-based quantum simulation and computing due to the second optically active valence electron available. Particularly promising in this context are circular Rydberg atoms, for which long-lived ionic core excitations can be exploited without suffering from detrimental autoionization. Here, we report the implementation of electric quadrupole coupling between the metastable 4D3/2 level and a very high-n (n = 79) circular qubit, realized in doubly excited 88Sr atoms prepared from an optical tweezer array. We measure the kHz-scale differential level shift on the circular Rydberg qubit via beat-node Ramsey interferometry comprising spin echo. Observing this coupling requires coherent interrogation of the Rydberg states for more than 100µs, which is assisted by tweezer trapping and circular state lifetime enhancement in a black-body radiation suppressing capacitor. Further, we find no noticeable loss of qubit coherence under continuous photon scattering on the ion core, paving the way for laser cooling and imaging of Rydberg atoms.
In my contribution I will show the measurements of the weak electron-electron interaction and our endeavors on employing this for direct fluorescence imaging of circular Rydberg atoms.
Keywords: Circular Rydberg States; Alkaline-Earth; Tweezer; Quantum Simulation