Bonn 2025 – wissenschaftliches Programm
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A: Fachverband Atomphysik
A 16: Collisions, Scattering and Correlation Phenomena I
A 16.4: Vortrag
Mittwoch, 12. März 2025, 15:30–15:45, HS PC
Electron-Impact Ionization of La1+ with a new Scan-System — •B. Michel Döhring1,2, Alexander Borovik Jr.1, Kurt Huber1, and Stefan Schippers1,2 — 1Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen — 2Helmholtz Forschungsakademie Hessen für Fair, GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung, Campus Gießen
Recently, we commissioned a new scanning system for the measurement of electron-impact ionization cross sections in a crossed-beams geometry. Here, we present experimental results for single, double and triple electron-impact ionization of La1+ ions, with impact energies starting from the ionization threshold and ranging up to 2000 eV. As compared to previous single-ionization measurements [1], we have extended the energy range by a factor of two. The results are geared towards providing atomic data for kilonova modelling and may be another good opportunity to apply our hybrid method for the calculation of electron-impact ionization cross sections [2] in future works.
[1] A. Müller et al., Phys. Rev. A 40, 3584 (1989)
[2] F. Jin et al., Eur. Phys. J. D 78, 68 (2024)
Keywords: Electron-impact ionization; Cross section; Kilonova; Lanthanum; Energy Scan