
Bonn 2025 – wissenschaftliches Programm

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A: Fachverband Atomphysik

A 23: Poster – Interaction with Strong or Short Kaser Pulses (joint session A/MO)

A 23.3: Poster

Mittwoch, 12. März 2025, 17:00–19:00, Tent

Towards Imaging Electron Dynamics in Solids with Attosecond Resolution — •Matthias Meier1, Martin Reh1, Yuya Morimoto2, Francesco Tani3, and Peter Hommelhoff1,3,41Department Physik, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU), 91058 Erlangen — 2RIKEN Cluster for Pioneering Research (CPR) and RIKEN Center for Advanced Photonics (RAP), Japan — 3Max Planck Institute for the Science of Light, 91058 Erlangen, Germany — 4Department Physik, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München (LMU), 80799 München

The understanding and precise control of electron dynamics in solids plays a key role for the development of new technologies. However, investigating the time-resolved dynamics on the timescale of femto- to attoseconds proves to be a persistent challenge. One way to overcome this issue is by optically probing the dynamics on the very same timescale. For this aim, isolated attosecond pulses (IAP) present a sharp and distinct measurement tool which is ideally suited to investigate these ultrafast mechanisms. Here, we present the pulse compression of 20µJ pulses at a central wavelength of 1030 nm and a width of 225 fs down to few cycle pulses which are used to generate XUV light by driving a high-harmonic generation process. Adjusting the stabilized carrier-envelope phase together with a short-pass filter allows to generate IAP. Combining the IAP with a copy of the driving field in an ultrashort pump-probe scheme enables the observation of electron dynamics in the attosecond time scale.

Keywords: Pump-probe experiment; Attosecond timescale; High-order harmonic generation

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DPG-Physik > DPG-Verhandlungen > 2025 > Bonn