Bonn 2025 – wissenschaftliches Programm
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A: Fachverband Atomphysik
A 24: Poster – Interaction with VUV and X-ray light
A 24.2: Poster
Mittwoch, 12. März 2025, 17:00–19:00, Tent
Collective hyperfine splitting in resonant x-rays scattering — •Fabian Richter1, Lars Bocklage2, Ralf Röhlsberger2, Xiangjin Kong3, and Adriana Pálffy1 — 1Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg — 2Deutsches Elektronen Synchrotron DESY, Hamburg — 3Fudan University, Shanghai
In an ensemble of identical atoms, cooperative effects like superradi- ance may alter the decay rates and shift the transition energies from the single-atom value by the so-called collective Lamb shift. While such effects in ensembles of two-level systems are well understood, realistic multi-level systems are more difficult to handle. Mössbauer nuclei in x-ray thin-film cavities are a clean quantum optical system in which the collective Lamb shift has been observed [1].
Here, we present a quantitative study of systems of 57Fe nuclei under the action of an external magnetic field, where a collective contribution to the Zeeman level splitting appears, leading to measurable deviations from the single-atom magnetic hyperfine structure. We have developed a theoretical formalism to describe single-photon superradiance in multi-level systems and have identified three parameter regimes, two of which exhibit measurable deviations in the radiation spectrum compared to the case of single-nucleus magnetic-field-induced splitting [2]. Based on this theoretical framework, we analyze experimental data that show such deviations, which may be consistent with the predicted parameter regimes.
[1] R. Röhlsberger et al., Science 328, 1248 (2010).
[2] X. Kong and A. Pálffy, Phys. Rev. A 96, 033819 (2017).
Keywords: X-ray Quantum Optics; Thin-Film Cavity