Bonn 2025 – wissenschaftliches Programm
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A: Fachverband Atomphysik
A 3: Ultra-cold Atoms, Ions and BEC I (joint session A/Q)
A 3.2: Vortrag
Montag, 10. März 2025, 17:30–17:45, KlHS Mathe
Circular dichroism and quantized Rabi oscillations in a synthetic quantum Hall system — •Franz Richard Huybrechts, Arif Warsi Laskar, and Martin Weitz — Institute of Applied Physics, University of Bonn
Unique physical properties and potential applications in the realm of quantum technology make topological states of matter a highly appealing scientific area. Ultracold atomic gases offer promising platforms to realize such topological states in a well-controlled experimental environment. Exploiting a synthetic dimension encoded in the internal spin degree of freedom of erbium ground state atoms and one real space dimension, we realize a synthetic quantum Hall system and probe its dissipative response to an external circular drive. In general, the dissipative response of topological systems upon circular driving is linked to the quantized Hall conductivity through a Kramers-Kronig relation. Our experiments give evidence for a circular dichroism in the loss rates of the erbium quantum Hall system for the left- and right-handed driving modes respectively. In the bulk region of our synthetic Hall ribbon a distinct Rabi oscillation between the excited and lowest Landau level is observed for only one of the driving modes. As expected, at the edge of the system neither of the drives are seemingly able to excite the system
Keywords: Ultracold erbium atoms; Synthetic quantum Hall system; Circular dichroism; Topological states