
Bonn 2025 – wissenschaftliches Programm

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A: Fachverband Atomphysik

A 30: Ultra-cold Atoms, Ions and BEC IV (joint session A/Q)

A 30.3: Vortrag

Donnerstag, 13. März 2025, 15:00–15:15, GrHS Mathe

Engineering Atomic Interactions using Floquet-Feshbach Resonances — •Alexander Guthmann, Felix Lang, Louisa Marie Kienesberger, Krishnan Sundararajan, and Artur Widera — Physics Department and Research Center OPTIMAS, University of Kaiserslautern-Landau, Germany

Scattering resonances are fundamental in physics, governing dynamics from high-energy nuclear fusion to the low-energy regime of ultracold quantum gases. Magnetically tunable Feshbach resonances have revolutionized the study of ultracold atomic systems by enabling precise control over interaction strengths. However, their dependence on static magnetic fields limits their flexibility, particularly in complex systems such as multi-component quantum gases. In this talk, we present the experimental realization of Floquet-Feshbach resonances in a gas of lithium-6 atoms, achieved through strong magnetic field modulation at MHz frequencies. This periodic modulation creates new scattering resonances where dressed molecular states intersect the atomic threshold. Furthermore, using a two-color driving scheme, we demonstrate tunable control over resonance asymmetries and suppress inelastic two-body losses caused by Floquet heating. These advancements offer a versatile tool for tailoring atomic interactions, paving the way for quantum simulations of complex many-body systems and the exploration of exotic quantum phases.

Keywords: Floquet; Feshbach; Interactions; Lithium; Heating

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DPG-Physik > DPG-Verhandlungen > 2025 > Bonn