
Bonn 2025 – scientific programme

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A: Fachverband Atomphysik

A 8: Ultracold Matter (Bosons) II (joint session Q/A)

A 8.5: Talk

Tuesday, March 11, 2025, 12:00–12:15, HS I PI

Designed Potential Edges for Phonon-Based Quantum Simulations — •Jelte Duchene, Nikolas Liebster, Marius Sparn, Elinor Kath, Helmut Strobel, and Markus Oberthaler — Kirchhoff-Institut für Physik, Heidelberg, Deutschland

Experimental quantum simulation has become an important tool for the study of quantum fields out of equilibrium. Often, theoretical models are studied with infinite extension or periodic boundary conditions, which makes comparisons with finite-size experiments challenging. In our quantum field simulator, based on phononic excitations of a two-dimensional Bose-Einstein condensate of potassium-39 atoms, we effectively mimic an infinitely extended system by suppressing coherent reflections of phonons at the edges of the trap while still conserving the atom number. This is achieved using a so-called slanted box (Slox) potential, which is flat in the center and has linearly rising slopes at the edges. Experimentally, this is implemented with a Digital Micromirror Device, enabling us to produce various light potentials. We study wave packet dynamics in 2D experiments and 1D simulations as well as the influence of the Slox parameters on the emergence and stability of spontaneously formed density patterns in an interaction-driven situation. Our observations suggest that spatial noise in the light potential is crucial for the efficient suppression of coherent reflections.

Keywords: Quantum gases in two dimensions; Quantum simulator; Spontaneous pattern formation; Optimized dipole potential; Absopritve Boundary

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