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A: Fachverband Atomphysik
A 9: Poster – Ultra-cold Atoms, Ions and BEC (joint session A/Q)
A 9.30: Poster
Dienstag, 11. März 2025, 14:00–16:00, Tent
Quantum phase slips and transport in one-dimensional supersolids — •Alicia Biselli, Chris Bühler, and Hans Peter Büchler — Institute for Theoretical Physics III and Center for Integrated Quantum Science and Technology, University of Stuttgart, DE-70550 Stuttgart, Germany
Quantum fluctuations in one dimension prevent the appearance of long-range order for a continuous symmetry even at zero temperature. Furthermore, the nucleation of quantum phase slips can have significant influence on the phase diagram and transport properties. Here, we study the influence of quantum phase slips on the phase diagram of a one-dimensional supersolid as they can be realized with dysprosium atoms. We demonstrate the appearance of a novel quantum phase transition from the supersolid to the superfluid phase and study in detail its influence on transport properties.
Keywords: Quantum phase slips; Supersolids; Quantum phase transition; Transport properties