Bonn 2025 – scientific programme
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A: Fachverband Atomphysik
A 9: Poster – Ultra-cold Atoms, Ions and BEC (joint session A/Q)
A 9.34: Poster
Tuesday, March 11, 2025, 14:00–16:00, Tent
Towards the observation of collective radiance phenomena in a 1D-array of waveguide-coupled atoms — •Hector Letellier, Lucas Pache, Martin Cordier, Max Schemmer, Philipp Schneeweiss, Jürgen Volz, and Arno Rauschenbeutel — Department of Physics, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Germany
Recently, it has been shown theoretically that the infidelity of photon storage and retrieval in quantum memories scales exponentially better with the number of emitters if one harnesses the collective response of closely spaced atoms ordered in an array [1]. The improved scaling relies on the effect of selective radiance, i.e., destructive interference suppressing the scattering into undesired modes. This occurs when the period of an array of emitters is smaller than half of the atomic resonant wavelength (d < λ/2). In order to realize this situation, we trap and optically interface laser-cooled cesium atoms using a two-color nanofiber-based dipole trap [2]. It is composed of a blue-detuned partial standing wave and two red-detuned running waves light fields which counter-propagate in the fiber. The resulting trapping potential consists of two 1D-arrays of trapping sites located on opposite sides of the nanofiber, where the axial period is d = 0.35λ. We characterize the trap by measuring the trap frequencies, the total number of stored atoms, the fraction of sites filled with a single atom in the collisional blockade regime, and the lifetime of the atoms.
[1] A. Asenjo-Garcia et al. PRX 7, 031024 (2017)
[2] L. Pache et al. arXiv:2407.02278 (2024)
Keywords: optical waveguide; atom-light interaction; nanofiber; selective radiance; optical lattice