
Bonn 2025 – scientific programme

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A: Fachverband Atomphysik

A 9: Poster – Ultra-cold Atoms, Ions and BEC (joint session A/Q)

A 9.7: Poster

Tuesday, March 11, 2025, 14:00–16:00, Tent

QRydDemo - Architecture for Dynamic Tweezer Arrays — •Julia Hickl1,2, Christopher Bounds1,2, Manuel Morgado1,2, Govind Unnikrishnan1,2, Achim Scholz1,2, Jiachen Zhao1,2, Sebastian Weber3,2, Hans-Peter Büchler3,2, Simone Montangero4, Jürgen Stuhler5, Tilman Pfau1,2, and Florian Meinert1,215th Inst. of Physics, University of Stuttgart — 2IQST — 3Inst. for Theoretical Physics III, University of Stuttgart — 4Inst. for Complex Quantum Systems, University of Ulm — 5TOPTICA Photonics AG

Within the QRydDemo project, aiming to realize a Rydberg atom quantum computer using strontium, we develop fully dynamic optical tweezer platforms. For our primary array we employ an all electro-optical setup containing 20 Acousto-Optic Deflectors (AODs), where each AOD can be driven by up to 100 tones and row spacing is achieved using a three-staged step mirror. This allows us to generate 2D arrays with an unprecedented dynamical connectivity reminiscent of an abacus. Through shuffling operations on a timescale of the qubit coherence time, atoms can be rearranged into various geometries. This allows for fast sorting as well as rearrangement during the algorithm, enabling error correction by physical movement using a dedicated feedback-loop. To extend the qubit architecture, we aim to realize a fully bichromatic array enabling processing and storage in a dual-qubit setting, where the second array will be generated using a phase-only spatial light modulator with fast frame rates.

Keywords: Dynamic Tweezer Arrays; Fast Sorting; Error Correction

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