Bonn 2025 – wissenschaftliches Programm
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A: Fachverband Atomphysik
A 9: Poster – Ultra-cold Atoms, Ions and BEC (joint session A/Q)
A 9.8: Poster
Dienstag, 11. März 2025, 14:00–16:00, Tent
Towards Local Single- and Two-Qubit Control in a Neutral Atom Quantum Computer — •Achim Scholz1,2, Christopher Bounds1,2, Christian Hölzl1,2, Manuel Morgado1,2, Govind Unnikrishnan1,2, Jiachen Zhao1,2, Julia Hickl1,2, Sebastian Weber3,2, Hans-Peter Büchler3,2, Simone Montangero4, Jürgen Stuhler5, Tilman Pfau1,2, and Florian Meinert1,2 — 15th Inst. of Physics, University of Stuttgart — 2IQST — 3Inst. for Theoretical Physics III, University of Stuttgart — 4Inst. for Complex Quantum Systems, University of Ulm — 5TOPTICA Photonics AG
The QRydDemo project aims to realize a Rydberg atom quantum computer based on the novel fine-structure qubit in strontium. This qubit offers fast single-qubit gates via strong two-photon Raman transitions and, by exploiting a single-photon Rydberg transition, two-qubit gates on the same timescale. Our experimental platform combines a dynamic tweezer architecture with fast optical addressing units, allowing for local control on the full array. To demonstrate coherent control of the novel fine-structure qubit, we show Rabi oscillations for single atoms paving the way for high-fidelity single-qubit gates. Using Ramsey spectroscopy we extract the qubit coherence time and investigate magic trapping conditions for the qubit by tuning the tensor polarizability via an external magnetic field. Towards the realization of high-fidelity two-qubit gate operations we investigate Rydberg state spectroscopy and Rabi oscillations, for which we initialize the fine-structure qubit using a three-photon Raman transfer.
Keywords: Fine-Structure Qubit; Local Control; Single-Qubit Raman Gates; Single-Photon Rydberg Gates