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AGA: Arbeitsgruppe Physik und Abrüstung
AGA 5: Nuclear Weapons, Arms Control and Disarmament
AGA 5.2: Hauptvortrag
Donnerstag, 13. März 2025, 15:30–16:30, HS HISKP
How to Eliminate Nuclear-Weapon Programmes - with Physics! — •Moritz Kütt — Institute for Peace Research and Security Policy (IFSH)
Within nuclear-armed states, nuclear-weapon programmes include various techno-political structures for nuclear weapon development and production, and preparations for use and threat of use. This presentation will discuss essential steps related to the elimination of these programmes: First, ways to reduce the risk of nuclear escalation; second, ways to support dismantlement of weapon and weapon production facilities; and third, ways to deal with side effects of weapon activities, like environmental contamination caused by production and testing.
The presentation will further discuss examples of how physicists can make valuable contributions to each of these steps. For instance, a technical analysis of missile defense technology helps to reduce nuclear dangers. Physics can also support verification, an important aspect of dismantlement. In this regard, results from a recent study on potential cheating attempts of gamma-spectroscopy measurements are presented, as well as innovative methods to demonstrate the absence of nuclear weapons using cosmic-origin particles. The talk will conclude with an outlook on future research questions to be undertaken, in particular with regard to the remediation of nuclear weapon test effects.
Keywords: Nuclear Disarmament; Verification; Gamma Spectroscopy; Muons; Missiles