Bonn 2025 – wissenschaftliches Programm
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AGA: Arbeitsgruppe Physik und Abrüstung
AGA 6: Verification II – Detection and Nuclear Disaramament Verification
AGA 6.2: Vortrag
Donnerstag, 13. März 2025, 18:15–18:45, HS HISKP
Neutron detection with a NaIL-detector — •Monika Risse, Theo Köble, and Thorsten Teuteberg — Fraunhofer INT, Euskirchen, Germany
Neutron detection is of crucial importance in the fields of verification and disarmament due to the difficulty of shielding neutrons compared to gamma radiation. Due to the global shortage of 3He the exploration of alternatives are necessary. One promising approach is the use of 6Li, which captures neutrons through the reaction 6Li(n,t)α. This study introduces the NaIL detector, which incorporates 6Li into sodium iodide (NaI), a proven material for gamma detection. Gamma and neutron radiation can be differentiated using pulse shape analysis. Measurements were conducted with various neutron sources to evaluate the performance of the detector, including its ability to detect sources producing radiation fields just above background levels. Further investigations examined the impact of moderator materials (e.g. HDPE), the gamma spectrum resolution, and the overall detection efficiency. NaIL results were compared to those from 3He-based detectors.
Keywords: Neutron measurements; Neutron detection materials; 3He replacement; NaIL